Illustration: Steve Munday

Just, open and green

Vanessa Baird concludes with 14 ways – at least – towards a better global trade.

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Illustration: Steve Munday

Winners and losers

How the Global South is affected by the current trade turmoil – and old patterns of power.

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Illustration: Steve Munday

Pigs that cross...

In talks about trade, something vital is omitted: the environment.

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Illustration: Steve Munday

Open China?

China is making promises, but keeping them may be hard...

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Illustration: Steve Munday

Investor rex

The beast that won’t lie down and die – the ISDS ‘investor protection’ racket is still with us, in all but name.

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Illustration: Steve Munday

Is trade in turmoil a chance for justice?

The global free trade system is being battered like never before. Can any good come of it, asks Vanessa Baird in the first of an eight-article exploration?

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NI 517 - Trade in Turmoil - January, 2019
Pirates’ victims are overwhelmingly seafarers from poor nations. Above, Vietnamese sailor Vu Van Ba is reunited with his parents after 18 months held hostage off the coast of Somalia.Ngyuen Huy Khan/Reuters

In the firing line

Piracy is just one in a long list of problems facing seafarers in a cut-throat shipping industry, reports Olivia Swift.

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NI 465 - How the war on pirates became big business - September, 2013
Pirate patrol: German troops in Djibouti prepare to join Europe’s anti-piracy mission in the Gulf of Aden, off Somalia.  The fight against pirates has been a handy way for countries like Germany and Japan to shrug off postwar constitutional constraints.Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters

Empire strikes back - where counter-piracy is going wrong

Pirate hijackings off the coast of Africa have spawned a lucrative protection industry. With private security guards taking to the oceans in ever increasing numbers, Hazel Healy asks whether this is really the way to ‘safer seas’.

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NI 465 - How the war on pirates became big business - September, 2013

Debt – a global scam

The standard response to the current financial crisis has been to punish the presumed debtors. Are the creditors blameless, then? asks Dinyar Godrej.

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NI 464 - Debt - a global scam - July, 2013
Who profits from the 7 billion population frenzy?

Who profits from the 7 billion population frenzy?

Vanessa Baird on why, when it comes to human numbers, nothing sells like fear.

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NI 447 - Banking on Hunger - November, 2011
'Masses everywhere' celebrate a strike against low wages at the Chinese-owned Pine Great Cambodia Garment Company in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September 2010.Chor Sokunthea / Reuters

The Great Rebellion

The Great Recession may have stunned the Minority World, but the Majority World has survived more or less unscathed. David Ransom investigates why, and traces the outlines of a future that might just be worth having.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Gathering strength at the World Social Forum, Belém, in February 2009. Photo: Paulo Santos / Reuters

Financial meltdown and the Age of Possibility

As the empire of international finance collapses, David Ransom finds the chance to reset the compass towards democracy, equality and the survival of our planet.

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
Trade in Turmoil January, 2019
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
Debt - a global scam July, 2013
Banking on Hunger November, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Put people first April, 2009