Is being vegan the only green option?

Is being vegan the only green option?

Bruce Friedrich of PETA and food author Wayne Roberts debate the best diet for a small planet. Plus your comments.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
Bob Hughes is a British advocate of ‘open borders’. He teaches at Brookes University in Oxford and is active in the ‘No-One is Illegal’ campaign.

Should nation-states open their borders to refugees and migrants?

Two experts debate immigration, then our readers weigh in with their comments

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Spanish demonstrators march in Madrid in September 2010 as part of a general strike to protest against government spending cuts.Paul White / AP Photo

Are public service cuts justified?

Banker Dan Mobley goes head to head with tax justice campaigner John Christensen.

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NI 437 - Humans vs. Nature - November, 2010
Is it ever right to buy or sell human organs?

Is it ever right to buy or sell human organs?

Join the debate as US psychiatrist Sally Satel goes head-to-head with Jeremy Chapman, President of the Transplantation Society.

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NI 436 - A wake-up call for democracy - October, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Humans vs. Nature November, 2010
A wake-up call for democracy October, 2010