A view of Hebron from the Tel Rumeida quarte.Photo: Fabio Conti

For a different Hebron

In Palestine, Futura D’Aprile meets the peaceful change-makers who want to create hope for their divided city’s future.

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NI 525 - The fight for clean air - May, 2020

The violence of nonviolent protest

Mark Boyle writes on why he opposes 'mindless nonviolence'.

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NI 489 - Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better - January, 2016
Tortured for 'refusing to kill'

Tortured for 'refusing to kill'

A conscientious objector from Istanbul was beaten with sticks until he passed out

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The fight for clean air May, 2020
Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better January, 2016
We need to think about toilets August, 2008