Hands off

Hands off

Anti-groping badges are becoming a popular tool in Japanese women’s fight against sexual harassment or chikan.

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018
Photo: booledozer

Whatever the #MeToo backlash, we’ve heard it all before

The whataboutery being directed towards the #MeToo movement is nothing new – feminists have experienced backlashes before, writes Kate Smurthwaite.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Photo: Jürgen Fälchle/Alamy

Confronting a culture of sexual violence

To make this culture of sexual harassment a thing of the past requires organizing and mass mobilization, writes Mark Engler.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The next financial crisis July, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017