Image is everything: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the campaign trail prior to the West Bengal elections, March 2021, which his party lost. The huge rallies by all parties were criticized for their irresponsibility during India’s coronavirus crisis.

The vise tightens

The image-obsessed Indian government is intent on shutting down dissent. Rishika Pardikar examines the ploys in use.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
Tbilisi, Dissidents Georgia

No room for dissidents

Georgia was once hailed as a ‘beacon of democracy’ by Western powers, but geopolitics and economic interests have taken priority over human rights, writes Onnik Krikorian.

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NI 509 - What's left for the young? - January, 2018

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
What's left for the young? January, 2018