A volunteer at the West End Food Bank in Byker, Newcastle. Over 1.9 million in Britain are now reliant on food handouts in the UK. Photo: Tessa Bunney

How food banks went global

The rise of food charity in some of the most affluent countries is surely a sign that something has gone badly wrong. So why is this broken model being exported to the rest of the world? Charlie Spring investigates.

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NI 528 - A caring economy - November, 2020
Illustration: Pete Reynolds

Death by Covid-19 – or hunger?

The pandemic has left millions of people on the brink of starvation. Hazel Healy asks why our food system is failing the poorest so badly – and offers a glimpse of a more equitable path. With extra reporting by Mohamed Camara.

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NI 527 - Covid-19 lessons from the pandemic - September, 2020

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
A caring economy November, 2020
A caring economy November, 2020
Covid-19 lessons from the pandemic September, 2020