Lessons from the farm
I grew up on a farm with pigs, cattle and sheep and can assure Peter Bavington (Letters, NI 545) that not all mammals are always neatly divided into male and female.
Pat on the back
Congratulations on turning 50! The world needs the sort of independent, critical journalism that the New Internationalist is famous for – perhaps now more than ever. Oxfam is proud to have helped co-found New Internationalist with Christian Aid and People & Planet.
Degrowth is key
You have, in the past, invited suggestions for future topics.
May I respectfully draw your attention to the July/August double edition of the US journal Monthly Review which dedicates itself almost entirely to the topic of economic degrowth.
Alongside climate change – and related to it – I believe that degrowth must become one of the most important issues that humanity will need to face and embrace, and I would like to see opinions and analyses on this from your writers.
Roots of violence
If we are going to be honest, while condemning the Hamas attacks in Israel we must acknowledge that the ongoing humiliation, oppression, dispossession and continuous maiming and killing of Palestinians by Israel is part of the background to the recent terrible events.
Oppression elsewhere
I have long lamented the oppression of groups of people by states or other actors. Right now the plight of Palestinians is rightly in the forefront of our minds. However I am mindful of the violent treatment of Kurds, Armenians and many other groups.
Matt Broomfield’s article about the Kurdish-led Administration of North East Syria reminded me of my concern and confusion with regards to the Kurdish people (What if… NI 546). Whilst I would like to think of myself as a pacifist, the Kurds have played a successful role in defeating and then sheltering the members of Islamic State (Isis) and their families. They worked in co-operation with the US and yet the Turkish state has repeatedly attacked their people and forces.
I recall reading a previous article a few years ago about the different groupings within the Kurdish people [in NI 256’s Big Story on Kurdish solidarity – Ed], and would like to see more articles covering these groups, their politics and why they are so oppressed by others.
Newint.org gets a new look
Regular readers of the New Internationalist website, newint.org may have noticed some changes.
For a while now we’ve been tinkering behind the scenes to bring you a fresh website that’s easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for – whether it be a deep-dive into the occupation of Palestine, or our latest on the climate crisis.
Our new site will continue to publish a few picks from the magazine, as well as exclusive web-only pieces offering a New Internationalist perspective on world events and under-reported stories.
Head over to newint.org to check it out.
Why I...
...encourage urban food growing.
It started in 2008 when I began an organic farm with a group called Youth Reform in Kibera, Nairobi (indelicately dubbed ‘Africa’s largest slum’). The farm went on to transform its community. I went on to get a doctorate in urban gardening. My research found that as well as improving physical health, growing plants in cities makes people happy. Now I use my research to convince people everywhere to grow food. Not enough people know that in the UK, if six people from different households get together, they have the legal right to demand an allotment from their local council.