Photos, clockwise from top left: Hurricane Maria destroyed almost everything in its path, as this photo taken on 18 September 2017 shows; fierce concentration in a classroom of St Luke’s primary school in Pointe Michel; a cruiseship towering over the harbour front; selling sweets on the streets of the capital, Roseau.Photos: All by Tim Smith/Panos, except cruiseship by Jean-francois Manuel/Alamy

Country Profile: Dominica

The nature island of the Caribbean.

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NI 520 - The right to the city - July, 2019
Post-Hurricane Maria, it’s a long, slow road to recovery for small-island states of the eastern Caribbean.Photo: Communications team of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. Public Domain.

Gone with the wind

Hurricane Maria swept through Dominica, destroying 62 per cent of all dwellings and killing 57, Richard Swift reports.

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NI 509 - What's left for the young? - January, 2018

Country profile: Dominican Republic

Tourist impressions of the country can be deeply misleading, says Russell White.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The right to the city July, 2019
What's left for the young? January, 2018
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015