The Basòdino glacier lies in the borderlands between Switzerland and Italy, but it has retreated by 80 per cent since 1850. On 12 September, activists climbed the mountain to stage a ‘funeral’.Photo: Daniel Pittet

Farewell to a glacier

Nicholas Hutchinson mourns the death of the Basòdino glacier in Switzerland.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
People cast their ballots during a vote on whether to give every adult citizen a basic guaranteed monthly income of 2,500 Swiss francs ($2,560), in a school in Bern, Switzerland, June 5, 2016.Photo: REUTERS/RUBEN SPRICH

The Universal Basic Income is an idea the left must embrace

This is an exciting idea whose time has come, writes Paul Donovan.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

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The future of work November, 2021
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016