Illustrations: Kate Copeland

Is vegan activism too confrontational?

Is challenging members of the public with the reality of animal suffering and slaughter counterproductive? Vegans Chris Saltmarsh and Hannah Short agree to disagree.

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NI 518 - Building a new internationalism - March, 2019
Bleeding veggie burger

Bleeding veggie burger

Meat without ‘murder’ might seem a worthy goal, but even if most vegans did want to eat a convincing replica of the real thing, is it safe? Yohann Koshy reports on a new vegan food product from Silicon Valley.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Who owns the sea? September, 2019
Building a new internationalism March, 2019
Humans vs robots November, 2017