Kamilo Beach, Hawaii the most polluted beach in the US. A picturesque, volcanic coastline – entirely covered in plastic debris. Photo: Algalita Marine Research Foundation

Sea of garbage

The good ship Alguita sails an ocean choked with plastic. Blog by Anna Cummins.

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NI 415 - Drowning in plastic - September, 2008
Dignity and the decent facility

Dignity and the decent facility

Women desperately want toilets – but not as a health aid. Libby Plumb reports.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
A lifetime in muck

A lifetime in muck

Unbelievably, people still exist whose task in life is shovelling shit, as Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
For our convenience

For our convenience

Toilets have been around since the days of Elizabeth I. Systems old and new.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Toilets - The Facts

Toilets - The Facts

Everything you ever wanted to know about toilets.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
To Sewer or Not to Sewer

To Sewer or Not to Sewer

David Satterthwaite speaks out in praise of sewers, and Mayling Simpson-Hébert retaliates on behalf of pits.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Stand up, stand up for toilets...

Stand up, stand up for toilets...

Toilet champions are not so rare a breed as you’d think. Here are some distinguished exemplars.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
New facilities, new jobs. A toilet production centre in West Bengal. Photo: UNICEF WEST BENGAL

We need to talk about... toilets

2008 is the International Year of Sanitation. Or, asks Maggie Black, is it the International Year of Silence and Embarrassment?

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Photo by: yasunigreengold.org / Mia Andersson / Ali Supay


To save Yasuní, the oil must stay in the ground.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
Will Yasuní – and its great ceibo trees – fall prey to greenhouse gangsters?Photo: yasunigreengold.org / Mauro Burzio

Costing the earth

Adam Ma’anit navigates the snakepits of global carbon trading in the context of Yasuní.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
A crude dilemma

A crude dilemma

Calm the panic or delay the inevitable?

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008

The Yasuní National Park oil blocks

The five oil concession regions in Yasuní National Park

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
Dirty and dangerous – workers who clean up oil spills often suffer neurological and digestive problems. Cancer rates are higher in areas close to oil activity than in the rest of Ecuador.Photo: yasunigreengold.org / Oscar Francino / Ali Supay

Toxic blocks

No-one said oil was clean. But Ecuador’s experience of extracting fossil fuels is about as bad as it gets, reports David Ransom.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008

‘Speak to us first!’

People from the Ecuadorian rainforest tell Fabrício Guamán what they think of their Government’s proposal to leave petroleum in the ground.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
The indigenous peoples of Yasuní retain strong community values. They need to – under the shadow of military and oil company repression.Photo: yasunigreengold.org / Mauro Burzio

Yasuní – is this the way beyond petroleum?

Is Ecuador’s bold proposal not to exploit a billion barrels of oil in the Yasuní National Park a serious option for combating climate change? If so, the world is going to have to move fast, warns Vanessa Baird.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
The charm fades

The charm fades

Pakistani physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy explores his country’s rocky relationship with nukes.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Bust! the gambling boom

David Ransom finds a likeness between the addictions of gambling and the speculative impulses of capitalism.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008


Anti-nuke action across the world

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Survivor: Nagasaki bomb victim Sumiteru Taniguchi looks at a photo of himself taken in 1945. His horrific burns have required 17 operations.

Nuclear weapons: a history

From the Manhattan Project and Hiroshima, to the Cold War, North Korea and beyond, nuclear fission has changed everything.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Speaking truth to power: a protester makes her point before being bundled out of a US Senate hearing on the Iraq war.Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Talking warheads

What are the West’s weapons actually for? asks Paul Rogers.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Drowning in plastic September, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008