The burning of the village of Um Zeifa in Darfur after the Janjaweed looted and attacked it. The Chinese Government has supplied much of the munitions used by the Janjaweed to destroy the non-Arab peoples in the south of Sudan.Photo by Brian Steidle

Breath of the dragon

China’s aid and arms are promoting one-party governments, argues Rebecca Tinsley.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Agriculture – on which most Afghans depend – has been neglected.Ali Omid / Aina Photo Agency / Afghanistan

Where has the money gone?

Abdul Basir on the missing aid billions.

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NI 417 - Through Afghan eyes - November, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

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China in charge June, 2009
Through Afghan eyes November, 2008