Illustration: Andy K

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In India, a Hindu supremacist government is intent on erasing the country’s Islamic history. Tarushi Aswani reports.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023
Love Jihad

Love Jihad

Alessio Perrone writes how Islamophobia is driving a wedge between love and secular values.

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NI 513 - A better media is possible - June, 2018
A Muslim boy inspects a broken window after a mosque was vandalized in Kandy, Sri Lanka on 10 March 2018.Photo: CrowdSpark/Alamy Live News

Fears for Muslim communities

Phil Miller on fearing for Muslim communities in Sri Lanka.

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NI 513 - A better media is possible - June, 2018
Young girls in Malaysia are finding a safe space in social media networks.Photo: Michael Coghlan under a CC license, adapted by Yohann Koshy

A group of one’s own

Hussein Kesvani reports on how young Muslim women are using social media to create a safe space to self-educate and share ideas.

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NI 509 - What's left for the young? - January, 2018
There were protests around the world at the execution of Shi’a preacher Nimr al-Nimr early this year.Photo: Toby Melville/ Reuters

Gambling with ISIS and Co

Saudi Arabia – birthplace of violent Islamic puritanism – is playing a dangerous game, writes Alastair Crooke.

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NI 490 - Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West - March, 2016
Adonis, Arab poet, critic and thinker.Photo: Torstein Blixfjord. Artwork: Untitled, 2011, mixed media on paper, by Adonis.

A word with Adonis

One of the greatest Arab poets of our time speaks to Giedre Steikunaite about creativity and consciousness.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Time for change: activists demand that the 'feudal chain' linking the military with politicians be broken.Mohsin Raza/Reuters

Pakistan on the edge of hope

Despite its turbulent past, Ziauddin Sardar finds reasons for optimism in Pakistan's future.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011

More information on Islam

Books and websites for further reading on Islam.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Travesty Patrick Brown / PANOS


Where did the controversial idea of the ‘Islamic state’ come from? Ziauddin Sardar traces its origins.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
US and Pakistani intelligence bigwigs get chummy at a mujahidin training camp in 1987. Note then-Director of the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence) Major Gen. Hamid Gul (front left) and then-Director of the CIA William Webster (second left).Photo:

Our terrorists

Islamic fundamentalist militants are the enemies of Israel and Western governments, right? Think again. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed reports in this extended version of the article which appeared in the October 2009 issue.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Photo by Patrick Brown / PANOS

Islam in power

Hadani Ditmars calls for a return to Islam’s spirit of democracy and pluralism.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
A world to win March, 2023
A better media is possible June, 2018
A better media is possible June, 2018
What's left for the young? January, 2018
Blood brothers - Saudi Arabia and the West March, 2016
Where have all the girls gone? October, 2013
Adapt or die April, 2012
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009