Stop the dam craze

Stop the dam craze

Report from The Balkans by Alessio Perrone.

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NI 512 - Public ownership rises again - May, 2018
Mercury rising

Mercury rising

Update on a large-scale dam in the AmazonTom Lawson.

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NI 511 - Humanitarianism under attack - April, 2018
The point of no return? Construction of the Xayaburi dam is well under way, despite fierce opposition.Photo: Tom Fawthrop

Madness on the Mekong

Tom Fawthrop reports from Southeast Asia, where a series of proposed dams could trigger a food crisis.

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NI 476 - Cuba - October, 2014
Araldo, elected chief of Union Puerto Asháninka sings his resistance to hydroelectric dams.

Peru's dam busters

Vanessa Baird discovers why the Asháninka people of the River Ene are taking a hard line against dam builders – and others.

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NI 446 - Nature's defenders - October, 2011
Journey of hope: indigenous fish are back and thriving in the Small Aral Sea.Paul Lauener

A sea returns to life, a sea slowly dies

Paul Lauener’s stirring report from the Aral Sea, scene of both environmental miracle and disaster.

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NI 437 - Humans vs. Nature - November, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Public ownership rises again May, 2018
Humanitarianism under attack April, 2018
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Cuba October, 2014
Nature's defenders October, 2011
Humans vs. Nature November, 2010