Australia: gas hub threat Talhy Stotzer/AAP/Press Association Images

Australia: gas hub threat

A divided community weighs up whether to protect aboriginal lands or opt for $1.3 billion in compensation.

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NI 457 - Bad medicine - November, 2012
Australian Greens have fought hard for a levy on big polluters.AP Photo/ Rick Rycroft

Australia puts a price on carbon

Climate campaigner Anna Rose welcomes the new levy on big polluters, saying it will push Oz into a far greener framework.

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NI 454 - Co-operatives - July, 2012
Tea and paranoia Brian Snyder / Reuters

Tea and paranoia

Politicians in the US and Australia play the anti-immigration card.

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NI 443 - The far right gets respectable - June, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Bad medicine November, 2012
Co-operatives July, 2012
The far right gets respectable June, 2011