Photo by Mike Blake / Reuters

Fusion time

A new way not only to cook but to organize the whole food economy – Wayne Roberts stirs the pot.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008

Selling out the farm

Ray Burley is caught in the cost/price squeeze.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
A Saskatchewan dust storm blows away the future. Photo by Courtney Milne

Peak soil

David R Montgomery on the one thing we can’t afford to run out of.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
Photo: Qilai Shen / Panos

Food Crisis - The Facts

The increase in global food prices may have temporarily stalled but food is expected to remain at record price levels for the foreseeable future. Industrial agriculture’s chickens have come home to roost. But the price is being paid not by agribusiness and food retailers but by small farmers whose income remains low, and by the millions being pushed into malnutrition.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008

We Care Too...

The NI gives big agribusiness its say.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
Indigenous protestors rally against APEC and high food prices in the ancient Peruvian capital of Cuzco. Photo by Miguel Araoz Cartagena

Food last!

Across the world, popular protest has demanded adequate food and fair prices. Stephanie Boyd reports from Cuzco in Peru.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
Farmers try to scratch out a living in Ethiopia’s remote south Wollo province – no corporate saviours here.  Photo by Boris Heger / Report Digital

Profits in hungry times

Agribusiness and industrial farming: 10; farmers and the famished: nil. A report from the campaign group GRAIN.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973
World food crisis March, 1973