Cartoon History: Abortion escorts

Michelle Kinsey Bruns and Gianna Meola tell the story of a women-led movement to resist anti-abortion terrorism.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Action & Info

Action & Info

Action, and further reading on abortion.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
A woman holds a carboard cutout of RU-486 (Mifepristone), one of two pills typically used to induce a medication abortion, in support of abortion rights at a protest in Rome Italy on 22 April 2024. Abortion pills have transformed abortion access and safety around the world.Photo: Reuters/Yara Nardi

Abortion to revolution

Activists in countries where abortion is heavily restricted are providing pills, information and support to help people end unwanted pregnancies outside of medical settings and on the margins of the law. These networks have evolved into a transnational feminist movement for self-managed abortion and are paving the way for liberation, writes Naomi Braine.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Activists for legal abortion, donning the green handkerchief, a symbol for abortion rights,  protest in Buenos Aires in 2018. Two years later, Argentine lawmakers legalized abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.Photo: Damian Basante/Shutterstock

Turning the tide

As Argentina’s far-right President Javier Milei hovers a chainsaw over abortion rights, feminists are mobilizing to defend the landmark 2020 law. Natalie Alcoba reports.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
A girl holds a candle during a ceremony for Orthodox Easter in Addis Ababa on May 5, 2024. While Ethiopia is considered a regional leader on abortion provision in East Africa, strong religious views in the country often clash with abortion rights.Photo: Amanuel Sileshi

Fertile ground

Anti-abortion campaigners have their sights set on Ethiopia – a progressive outlier in a region marred by restrictions. Who’s behind the emboldened ‘pro-life’ movement and what’s at stake for women’s rights amid a myriad of other challenges? Bethany Rielly, Maxine Betteridge-Moes and Maya Misikir report from Addis Ababa.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
Abortion - The Facts

Abortion - The Facts

Laws and Policies; Maternal Mortality; Policing Pregnancy; Everyday Abortions; The Opposition.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
An African American midwife carries her medical kit down a dirt road in Georgia, US, in 1941. In the mid-1800s, white physicians campaigned to ban abortion as a means to demonize and restrict their competitors, namely midwives.Photo: Jack Delano/Shutterstock

Racist roots

Renee Bracey Sherman and Regina Mahone trace the secret history of abortion bans in the US and link the legacies of reproductive oppression and racial injustice.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
A woman plays the cello amid riot police at a demonstration for safe and legal abortion to mark International Safe Abortion Day in Mexico City, on 28 September 2023. Earlier that month Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalized the procedure.Photo: Raquel Cunya/Reuters

Freeing abortion

The global trend towards liberalizing abortion is being overshadowed by a newly emboldened anti-rights movement that wants to erode bodily autonomy. Bethany Rielly learns how feminist movements are organizing to put abortion back in the hands of the people – and keep it there.

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NI 550 - Abortion - July, 2024
First abortion...

First abortion...

Report from the US by James Greig.

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NI 544 - Palestine - July, 2023
Many of the stories you hear about abortion in Chile involve women who meet horrible ends. ‘I imagined some little girl dead in a field. The stuff they show on TV is always so harsh and judgmental’Photo: Robin Beckham / BEEPstock / Alamy

Valeria's story

Anne Hoffman hears about the struggle for reproductive rights in Chile.

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NI 473 - The politics of language loss - June, 2014
Activists outside a London
store award Nike the title
of ‘biggest cheat’ for using
exploited women workers
in its factories abroad.UK Feminista

Feminists target Nike ahead of the Olympics

Nick Harvey reports on a campaign to expose sportswear firms who exploit women workers while boasting Olympic values.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Abortion July, 2024
Palestine July, 2023
The politics of language loss June, 2014
Protection racket June, 2012