First abortion...

First abortion...

Report from the US by James Greig.

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NI 544 - Palestine - July, 2023
Many of the stories you hear about abortion in Chile involve women who meet horrible ends. ‘I imagined some little girl dead in a field. The stuff they show on TV is always so harsh and judgmental’Photo: Robin Beckham / BEEPstock / Alamy

Valeria's story

Anne Hoffman hears about the struggle for reproductive rights in Chile.

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NI 473 - The politics of language loss - June, 2014
Activists outside a London
store award Nike the title
of ‘biggest cheat’ for using
exploited women workers
in its factories abroad.UK Feminista

Feminists target Nike ahead of the Olympics

Nick Harvey reports on a campaign to expose sportswear firms who exploit women workers while boasting Olympic values.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Palestine July, 2023
The politics of language loss June, 2014
Protection racket June, 2012