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Global warming and the King’s Arms pub

Global warming and the King’s Arms pub

Horatio Morpurgo supplies an environmental missing link.

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Standing up to the State

View from New Delhi by Urvashi Butalia

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Scared of a star

Scared of a star

West Papua’s push for independence

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Three and Out

Three and Out

Colm Meaney is Tommy, an Irishman in London who plans to kill himself. Directed by Jonathan Gershfield

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Brian McLaren. Photo by Gerald Gauthier

Interview with Brian McLaren

on the need for Christians to engage with the real world

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 Photo: Kian Amani

Kian Amani

Acrobatic extravagance in Tehran, as seen by Iranian photographer Kian Amani.

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Swimming Against the Tide

Swimming Against the Tide

Thoroughly researched and with heart-warming personal accounts, Tom Fawthrop’s Swimming Against the Tide is an inspiration.

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Alien vs Predator: Cool Ranch

Alien vs Predator: Cool Ranch

Seriously.. true tales of a mixed-up world

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The charm fades

The charm fades

Pakistani physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy explores his country’s rocky relationship with nukes.

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Elie Wiesel (born 1928)

Elie Wiesel (born 1928)

A quote from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech

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 Illustration by Sarah John.

Colossus in the sun

Egypt’s rising food prices have hit the headlines. Maria Golia steps back and looks at how the process of provision itself is undergoing headlong change.

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Beijing Coma

Beijing Coma

Ma Jian has undertaken his most ambitious project yet; a sweeping panorama of China in the years before and after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 4 June 1989.

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Search results in a table:

Article title Description Author Published Magazine Link
Global warming and the King’s Arms pub

Horatio Morpurgo supplies an environmental missing link.

Horatio Morpurgo June, 2008 412 Read
Standing up to the State

View from New Delhi by Urvashi Butalia

Urvashi Butalia June, 2008 412 Read
Scared of a star

West Papua’s push for independence

Richard Samuelson June, 2008 412 Read
Three and Out

Colm Meaney is Tommy, an Irishman in London who plans to kill himself. Directed by Jonathan Gershfield

Malcolm Lewis June, 2008 412 Read
Interview with Brian McLaren

on the need for Christians to engage with the real world

Gerald Gauthier June, 2008 412 Read
Kian Amani

Acrobatic extravagance in Tehran, as seen by Iranian photographer Kian Amani.

Kian Amani June, 2008 412 Read
Big Bad World 412

Polyp takes aim at transport

P J Polyp June, 2008 412 Read
Swimming Against the Tide

Thoroughly researched and with heart-warming personal accounts, Tom Fawthrop’s Swimming Against the Tide is an inspiration.

Vanessa Baird June, 2008 412 Read
Alien vs Predator: Cool Ranch

Seriously.. true tales of a mixed-up world

June, 2008 412 Read
The charm fades

Pakistani physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy explores his country’s rocky relationship with nukes.

Pervez Hoodbhoy June, 2008 412 Read
Elie Wiesel (born 1928)

A quote from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech

Elie Wiesel June, 2008 412 Read
Colossus in the sun

Egypt’s rising food prices have hit the headlines. Maria Golia steps back and looks at how the process of provision itself is undergoing headlong change.

Maria Golia June, 2008 412 Read
Fossil foolery

Fossil Fools Day

June, 2008 412 Read
Beijing Coma

Ma Jian has undertaken his most ambitious project yet; a sweeping panorama of China in the years before and after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 4 June 1989.

Peter Whittaker June, 2008 412 Read
Who is Harald?

Climate negotiations

Nicola Bullard June, 2008 412 Read