Dora Macoviak: ‘If we want to do something, we have to do it ourselves.’Photo: Rodrigo Llauro

Putting poor Argentineans on the map

Peter Lykke Lind explains one community's small victory.

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NI 489 - Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better - January, 2016
Mapuche refuse fracking

Mapuche refuse fracking

Claire Fauset reports on resistance and repression.

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NI 488 - 10 economic myths - December, 2015
‘I lost my daughter because of a birth defect.’ Argentinean activist Sofía Gatica has been fighting the aerial spraying of toxic agro-chemicals.Eilís O'Neill

No joy in soy

Demand for genetically modified soy is changing the face of Argentina. And not for the better, says Eilís O’Neill.

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NI 470 - Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth - March, 2014
The haunting sound of shells being blown as part of Punta Querandi's ritualsVanessa Baird

A clash of dreams

Indigenous Argentineans, disrespected and ignored for too long, are forging new alliances in their quest to safeguard the natural world.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
‘Feminism taught us that there are a thousand ways of being a woman,’ says trans activist Lohana BerkinsVanessa Baird

Trans revolutionary

Today Argentina leads the world in recognizing the rights of transgender people. But it hasn't always been that way, writes Vanessa Baird.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Photo: Julio Etchart

‘Not one step backwards!’

Argentina has come a long way in dealing with its past. But what of the present? Vanessa Baird takes a look at the state of human rights.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Rising food prices have been hitting the poorest hardest, leading to looting in some places.

Facing the vultures

Argentina is not in the habit of being cowed by international pressure and financial big-hitters – or by proponents of austerity. Vanessa Baird reports.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Preparing lunch in the FPDS co-op in San Telmo – where everyone gets a say and ‘horizontalism’ prevails.

Speak truth

The government wants to fund popular co-ops that are meeting urgent social needs. What could be wrong with that? Vanessa Baird meets the people behind them.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Gabriela SánchezVanessa Baird

Who needs a boss?

Vanessa Baird reports on how Argentinean workers took over failing and bankrupt enterprises – and have kept them going.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
‘Welcome readers’ - Miriam at possibly the world’s most unusual book publisher, Eloisa Cartonera. Photo: Julio Etcharty

Argentina’s challenge

Stormy time ahead in the world’s largest country. Are there lessons to be learned? asks Vanessa Baird.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
Paul, from Ghana,
sells on the streets
of Buenos Aires.Sebastiano Vitale

Frontline Africans: migrants hit by Europe's economic decline

What can African migrant workers do when faced with rising unemployment and racism in Europe? Sarah Babiker reports from Spain and Argentina.

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better January, 2016
10 economic myths December, 2015
Commodities - the pitfalls of resource wealth March, 2014
Fracking - the gathering storm December, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Time for a fair economy March, 2012