Maha Alasil

For the half a million Syrians who have fled to Jordan, the struggle to survive is far from over. Nigel Wilson meets an ordinary woman making an extraordinary effort to help those in need.

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NI 466 - Where have all the girls gone? - October, 2013
Watch you don't fall: supporters of President Bashar Assad stand atop a fountain during a rally in Damascus.Muzaffar Salman/AP Photo

Syria's Catch-22

The current conflict has deep and tangled roots, as Tam Hussein explains.

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NI 454 - Co-operatives - July, 2012
Agriculture is high on the list for change in Egypt.Mark Henley / Panos

Egypt's freedom harvest

Rami Zurayk says the Arab uprisings offer a unique chance to embrace food sovereignty.

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NI 447 - Banking on Hunger - November, 2011
We will remove Bashar Murad Sezer / Reuters

We will remove Bashar

Undercover journalist Daniel Wiggins gives an inside view on Syria's protest movements.

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NI 446 - Nature's defenders - October, 2011
Family ties: Bashar and Maher al-Assad.Str Old/Reuters

The al-Assad family

Syria’s ruling al-Assad family.

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NI 443 - The far right gets respectable - June, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Where have all the girls gone? October, 2013
Co-operatives July, 2012
Banking on Hunger November, 2011
Nature's defenders October, 2011
The far right gets respectable June, 2011