Making a point: Bill Gates addresses the media after his address to the World Health Assembly at the UN in Geneva.Photo: Reuters/Alamy

The Gates factor

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has a key role in shaping the global response to the pandemic. And it’s not good news for health equality. Nick Dowson investigates why.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
Genetically rich crabs at the Center for Marine Biotechnology in Baltimore.Photo: Cavan/Alamy

Marine gene rush

The race is on to patent all marine life – and some have got a head start. Marine scientist Robert Blasiak explains to Vanessa Baird what it means.

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NI 521 - Who owns the sea? - September, 2019
Aerial drone and combine harvester in a version of the new pastoral in a French wheat field.Photo: incamerastock/Alamy

Automating the farm

Self-driving tractors and the internet of cows – welcome to the world of precision agriculture. Jim Thomas lays out the vision driving corporate giants into a merger frenzy.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017
The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

Around the world people are mobilizing against biotech bullies.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015

Action! What can I do?

The following organizations give advice and informa­tion, and campaign on GM, food safety and sovereignty.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015
Photo: Joerg Boethling / Alamy

The farmer’s friend

Are farmers benefitting from growing GM crops, as Monsanto claims? Dionne Bunsha investigates.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015
Alamy/Custom Medical Stock

Is Monsanto on the side of science?

Claire Robinson looks at what has happened to scientists who dare to say GM foods are not safe.

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NI 481 - Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? - April, 2015
Climate protestor takes her message to the Edinburgh office of Greenergy, Britain’s largest biofuel supplier.David Cheskin / PA Archive/Press Association Images

Where now for biofuels?

Can fuel crops ever be sustainable? Danny Chivers gives us the lowdown.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011
Biofuels - the good, the bad and the ugly

Biofuels - the good, the bad and the ugly

From wood to algae, biofuels have been around for years. But they're not necessarily all they're cracked up to be. Danny Chivers has the low-down.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011
Crops of truth

Crops of truth

Jaideep Hardikar travels to the bottom of the social scale, and the women of rural south India, to discover where knowledge and wisdom about seeds are still to be found.

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NI 435 - Seed savers - September, 2010
Michael Way collecting for the Millennium Seed Bank.RBG Kew

Seed savers

The world’s seed markets are being gobbled up by ‘life-science’ corporations – but peasant farmers still feed the world. David Ransom reports.

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NI 435 - Seed savers - September, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Who owns the sea? September, 2019
Humans vs robots November, 2017
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011
Seed savers September, 2010
Seed savers September, 2010