Unpopular poplars

Unpopular poplars

Environmentalists oppose the genetically engineered poplar trees for the production of cellulosic ethanol or industrial biofuel.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Photo by Paul Rigg

Absolute friends

The largest solidarity movement between two peoples offers hope in Western Sahara, writes Paul Rigg.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Dirty diplomacy

Dirty diplomacy

Concern over the Canadian Government's handling of Canada’s tar sands

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Denial and dismissal

Denial and dismissal

Despite growing evidence, the Kenyan Government evades accountability for murder

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Cargill exposed

Cargill exposed

Transnational food company found modifying all its rice to evade price controls

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
A pressing issue

A pressing issue

Belarusian journalists ‘gagged’ by draconian censorship laws

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Taken for a bride

Taken for a bride

Saudi judge upholds the arranged marriage between an eight-year-old girl and a 47-year-old man.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Lock out the poor

Lock out the poor

In Rio, a wall is being built to separate the slums from the city

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Living in fear: a gay transvestite in Iran.JeROeN OeRLeMANS / PANOS

Running scared

No reprieve for gay community living with 30 years of sharia law

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NI 422 - Multiculturalism - May, 2009
May Day!

May Day!

Montreal police out of line and in the courts

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NI 422 - Multiculturalism - May, 2009
Upping the ante

Upping the ante

Protesters raise the stakes as strikes sweep the French Caribbean

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NI 422 - Multiculturalism - May, 2009
Paradise lost: much of the picturesque village of Jale has been demolished.Photo by Gjergj Erebara

Bulldozed lives

World Bank project leaves families homeless

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Badge of dishonour

Badge of dishonour

Scouts log tens of thousands of acres of forestland

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Healthy conversation: a group of men discuss the taboo of widow  cleansing and (left)former cleanser Esban Ochanga.Photo: Frederic Courbet

Male cleansers for hire

How sex with widows helps dead men

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Sweet nothings: chocolate companies have failed to curb child labour on cocoa farms in Cote d'Ivoire.Photo by International Labor Rights Forum

Slaves to chocolate

Major chocolate companies still using child labour

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Murdered for music

Murdered for music

11 members ambushed and shot at by an armed group, on their way home from a wedding performance.

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NI 421 - Put people first - April, 2009
Sharing the sunshine

Sharing the sunshine

Portuguese project spreads solar power across Europe

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NI 420 - Mothers who die - March, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Multiculturalism May, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Put people first April, 2009
Mothers who die March, 2009
Mothers who die March, 2009