Victims of ‘India’s Hiroshima’ still seek justice
Coca-Cola's water use in drought ravaged Kala Dera
Poor South Africans fall foul of soccer tournament preparations
Solar-powered development has huge potential if problems can be overcome
Thirty-four years on, the notorious case of the ‘Balibo Five’ is to be reopened.
Canadian First Nations internationalize their struggle against the most destructive project on earth
Local communities fight mineral exploration and eviction in the Andes
The largest forced relocation since 1996-98
A decade after independence, Timor-Leste’s people are still struggling to get justice
Countries across the globe that are flouting international law and violating refugees’ rights.
Time to close down the investment companies that feed off the living
No international agreement exists on reducing emissions from forests, but that hasn’t stopped companies attempting to profit from it
Guy Stringer, director of Oxfam, chair of Devopress who initially published New Internationalist magazine in 1974.
The treatment of Afghans with mental illness is only adding to their trauma.