Warning: drink at your peril! Tap water drawn from aquifers that have been contaminated by fracking is so full of toxic chemicals that it can be set alight.www.gaslandthemovie.com

Fracking the world

Hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ – Big Oil’s newest way to extract natural gas from an exhausted planet – comes with a terrible environmental price tag. Joyce Nelson digs deeper.

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NI 442 - Climate change denial - May, 2011
Whose miracle? Robert Scoble under a CC Licence

Whose miracle?

An epic migration to the cities has been responsible for China’s turbocharged economic performance. But, as Richard Swift explains, the cost for many workers has been too great and they refuse to be quiet any longer.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
Honda workers demand better pay and democratic unions: 500 striking autoworkers sparked a strike wave that shook south China in the summer of 2010.Siu Chiu/Reuters

Hard road to justice

Three personal stories of the battles being fought for workers’ rights.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
Capturing the moment when protestors at Tahrir Square learned that Mubarak was finally standing down.Yannis Behrakis/ Reuters

When people rise up...

As the ripples of rebellion spread through the Arab world, what’s next for democracy?

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
When the US is involved in, say, Iraq or Afghanistan, that's called ‘stabilization’. If Iran tries to increase its influence, that's destabilization.Mohammed Ameen/Reuters

New book by Noam Chomsky

Beware Americans talking ‘stability’, warns Noam Chomsky.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
This graphic is part of the Swiss-based Public Eye campaign to elect the world’s worst corporation. Foxconn is a 2011 nominee.Greenpeace


Electronics giant Foxconn employs over a million people in China – in conditions that drive them to despair, reports Jenny Chan.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
Oil or life? Ecuador’s stark choice Mauro Burzio / Gobierno Municipal de Francisco de Orellana

Oil or life? Ecuador’s stark choice

Esme McAvoy is in the Amazon to find out what’s happening to the Yasuní proposal.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
Illustrations by David Dees, a conspiracy theory artist, including one of his explicit Holocaust denial pieces. His work, which also covers corporate power, 9/11, 'chemtrails' and GMO foods, regularly appears on conspiracy websites and videos. The majority of these users promote him without being aware of his 'Holohoax' and climate change denial views.

Challenging the politics of paranoia

Cartoonist Polyp explores conspiracy theories and finds them not just dotty but dangerous.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Going for the jugular: demonstrators outside a branch of Vodafone in north London, December 2010.Andrew Winning / Reuters

The Great Rebellion

The Great Recession may have stunned the Minority World, but the Majority World has survived more or less unscathed. David Ransom investigates why, and traces the outlines of a future that might just be worth having.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Ratnamala Tekam, a widow with her two children in Mangi village, in the cotton producing belt of Vidarbha. Her husband killed himself in March 2009 amid mounting debts, hunger and crop losses.Jaideep Hardikar

Bomb drops on Indian countryside

India may be one of the world’s current economic ‘winners’ but inequality is its fastest-growing sector, reveals Jaideep Hardikar.

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
The best influence money can buy - the 10 Worst Corporate Lobbyists

The best influence money can buy - the 10 Worst Corporate Lobbyists

Dirty cash and dirty tricks – our rogues’ gallery of lobbyists who get governments to dance to their tune.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
McDonalds promote a ‘new healthy diet and exercise campaign’. There’s big bucks in obesity for PR firms lobbying to water down regulations on junk food advertising to children.Jeff Christensen / Reuters

In the halls of shame

Who shapes the policies and laws that govern us? If you think the answer is ‘our elected politicians’, read on. Vanessa Baird examines the secretive but expanding power of corporate lobbying.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011

Corporate Influence - The Facts

The facts and figures of party funding, lobbying and the big names involved.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
Interview with John Pilger

Interview with John Pilger

Why do so many journalists beat the drums of war and peddle propaganda?

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Flag of Christiania, the ‘Freetown’ where everyone is different.Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan

In search of Utopia

Communities across Europe are already living the alternatives, discover Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Happy days: George Marshall in the kitchen garden, Forest of Dean, early 1970s.

Back to the future

What will it be like to live in a zero carbon world? George Marshall encourages us to look to the past to find out.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
20-year-old Meenakshi Diwan does maintenance work on her village’s solar panel. A member of the Orissa Tribal Women’s Barefoot Solar Engineers Association, she is helping local communities in India move away from dependence on fossil fuels.

Powering up to zero

Can we make the transition to a fossil-free future? Jess Worth meets the people who say we can.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010

The need for zero – The Facts

The facts and figures of energy emission, consumption and reduction.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Readycash: everyone carries around cash in Burma as there are no ATMs and cards are only accepted by a few swank hotels.

A day in the life – with interest

As Burma’s people go to the polls this month in an election which is unlikely to change decades of military rule, Becky Palmstrom looks at how the urban poor survive in a country without working banks.

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NI 437 - Humans vs. Nature - November, 2010
Stopping the Juggernaut Photo by: Mr Bill under a CC Licence

Stopping the Juggernaut

Put environmental villains in the dock, says campaigner Polly Higgins.

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NI 437 - Humans vs. Nature - November, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Climate change denial May, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Humans vs. Nature November, 2010
Humans vs. Nature November, 2010