Exhaust destroyer! Illustration by Stephen Munday / www.threeinabox.com

Taking care of business

Corporations have taken over the climate agenda. Oscar Reyes reveals who, how and why.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
*Yasuní Green Gold - the book of the campaign* 
Remarkable photographs illustrate the Yasuní region’s unique beauty and diversity.On sale now at www.newint.org/books

Bond aid

Copenhagen is not the only game in town. There are other ideas for how to keep fossil fuels in the ground. The NI catches up with one of the boldest: Ecuador's Yasuní initiative.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Reclaiming power: climate activists try to pull down the fence at Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power station, on a day in October which saw 1,000 people swoop on the UK’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter and attempt to shut it down.Photo by Andrew Testa / PANOS.

In our hands

Will the Copenhagen conference deliver effective action on climate change? Not a chance, argues Jess Worth. So what's the alternative?

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
An Inuit hunter jumps across a gap in the sea-ice. Climate change is causing the ice to melt, making hunting increasingly perilous. Photo: Bryan and Cherry Alexander

A slow earthquake

The Arctic is changing dramatically. Jess Worth finds out what it means for the people who live there.

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NI 424 - Surviving change in the Arctic - July, 2009
Figure 2: Responsibility. Cumulative CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion between 1990-2010. The green portion shows emissions that correspond to consumption above the development threshold, which we take as a good proxy for historical responsibility.

The real deal

Unless it is fair, we will never get a successful international climate agreement. Tom Athanasiou has rolled up his sleeves and produced a proposal for how it could be done.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
High-flying window cleaner has no safety net beneath him in Beijing’s central business district. Photo by Reinhard Krause / Reuters

Meltdown South

David Ransom examines the impact so far on the Majority World.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
Photo by Supri Supri / Reuters

Just or bust

Danny Chivers surveys the options for the Copenhagen climate talks in 2009, and asks if they can deliver climate justice.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009

Leave it in the ground!

Activists Nnimmo Bassey and Mel Evans report from the frontline.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
Carbon capitalist: should we really entrust the future of the planet to city traders and bankers who’ve just brought the global economy to its knees?Adam Butler / AP / PA Photos

A timely death?

Patrick Bond foresees a rocky future for carbon trading.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
Is nothing sacred? An Adivasi indigenous woman listens to speeches against British company Vedanta’s plans for a massive open-cast mine in her ancestral homeland, in the Indian state of Orissa.  Photo by Stuart Freedman / Panos

A million mutinies

Sunita Narain looks to the environmentalism of the poor for answers.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009

Degrees of delusion

Yang Ailun and David Spratt on why politicians are failing.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009

Four principles for climate justice

Social movements around the world are calling for urgent and radical action, broadly based on four main principles.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
On the move: ‘armed with peer-reviewed science’, climate protesters at Heathrow Airport oppose a third runway. Photo: Jess Hurd / reportdigital.co.uk

Power politics

Stopping climate change will involve reversing some fundamental injustices, argues Jess Worth.

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NI 419 - Climate justice - January, 2009
Photo: Qilai Shen / Panos

Food Crisis - The Facts

The increase in global food prices may have temporarily stalled but food is expected to remain at record price levels for the foreseeable future. Industrial agriculture’s chickens have come home to roost. But the price is being paid not by agribusiness and food retailers but by small farmers whose income remains low, and by the millions being pushed into malnutrition.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
Photo by Andrew Kokotka.

Meat's too expensive

Chris Brazier makes the case for a green and fair diet.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008
Technofixes: climate solution or corporate scam?

Technofixes: climate solution or corporate scam?

Science is coming up with ever more extraordinary proposals for combating climate change, from laying white plastic over deserts to locking up carbon dioxide in the oceans or shooting it into space. Should we take any of this seriously?

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Photo by: yasunigreengold.org / Mia Andersson / Ali Supay


To save Yasuní, the oil must stay in the ground.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
A crude dilemma

A crude dilemma

Calm the panic or delay the inevitable?

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
The indigenous peoples of Yasuní retain strong community values. They need to – under the shadow of military and oil company repression.Photo: yasunigreengold.org / Mauro Burzio

Yasuní – is this the way beyond petroleum?

Is Ecuador’s bold proposal not to exploit a billion barrels of oil in the Yasuní National Park a serious option for combating climate change? If so, the world is going to have to move fast, warns Vanessa Baird.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Surviving change in the Arctic July, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Climate justice January, 2009
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008