Under water: a New York street in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.Pamela Andrade under a CC Licence

Provoking an American climate crisis

The US government deserves to have a political crisis brought to its door, argues Mark Engler.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013
What price a gliding treefrog in the costing of 'eco-system services' that the Rio+20 process seems to be heading towards?Stockphoto

Big business goes to Rio

With the Earth Summit just days away, Danny Chivers chronicles the urgent battle to stop corporates from hijacking the green agenda.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012

Ready or not: can Bangladesh cope with climate change?

New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy travelled there to find out how people are adapting to a warming world.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Young Mexicans demand solar power.Eliana Aporte / Reuters

Is the Green New Deal a dead duck?

Four years ago it was hailed as the cure for our
economic and environmental woes. So what’s
happened? Zoe Cormier investigates.

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012
The Kyoto protocol is in grave danger

The Kyoto protocol is in grave danger

African negotiators told not to ‘waste  time’ calling for developed nations to cut CO2, reports Nnimmo Bassey.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011
Christie Walk – green and welcoming.

Eco-city dreaming comes true

Brian Loffler on how some blue-skies thinking created a green inspiration.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011
Is nuclear power necessary for a carbon-free future?

Is nuclear power necessary for a carbon-free future?

Environmentalists Chris Goodall and Jose Etcheverry argue for and against - plus your chance to join the debate.

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NI 443 - The far right gets respectable - June, 2011

Switching off denial: a guide

How do you respond to people in climate denial? Danny Chivers offers a step-by-step guide to rebutting the most common arguments against climate change.

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NI 442 - Climate change denial - May, 2011
Stop the tar sands trade talks

Stop the tar sands trade talks

A protest against opening the EU's doors to Canada's polluting tar sands

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NI 440 - Up in arms - March, 2011
Happy days: George Marshall in the kitchen garden, Forest of Dean, early 1970s.

Back to the future

What will it be like to live in a zero carbon world? George Marshall encourages us to look to the past to find out.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010

The need for zero – The Facts

The facts and figures of energy emission, consumption and reduction.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010
Climate wars in Kenya’s nomadic communities

Climate wars in Kenya’s nomadic communities

Conflicts between nomadic communities over water shortages increase

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NI 435 - Seed savers - September, 2010
Climate camp activists at Blackheath: ‘We recognize that the causes of climate change are systemic.’Toby Melville / Reuters

System change, not climate change

Jess Worth looks at how activists in Britain are broadening the climate change debate.

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NI 434 - Life beyond growth - July, 2010
Summit different: report from Cochabamba Ben Powless

Summit different: report from Cochabamba

After Copenhagen’s dismal failure, social movements from all over the world gathered in Bolivia – here's what happened.

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NI 433 - Deported! What happened next? - June, 2010
Hands off our mother!

Hands off our mother!

Unproven scientific ‘fixes’ for global warming are a major threat to the planet

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NI 433 - Deported! What happened next? - June, 2010
Taking on Tarmageddon

Taking on Tarmageddon

The international campaign to shut down the tar sands is shaping up to be an iconic battle, reports Jess Worth.

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NI 431 - Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! - April, 2010

The missing pieces

Is hell really other people? Vanessa Baird concludes with some sobering facts and reflections on equality.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Photo: Jenny Downing under a CC License

Population and climate change

Jonathon Porritt and the Corner House offer two very different perspectives on one of the big debates of the day.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Most of the country’s land mass lies fewer than 10 metres above sea level. Climate change will subject farmland to both drought and flooding. Photo: Shaiful Chowdhury / DRIK / Majority World

Frontline Bangladesh

Some Pacifc islands are already being evacuated. Bangladesh stands next in the climate change frontline. The difference is, it has a massive and growing population.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Cartoon: Hemant Jain / www.munnaontherun.com

Don't just sit there!

The NI guide to how you can take action for climate justice, whether you’re in Copenhagen, in a major city or online.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Protection racket June, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
The far right gets respectable June, 2011
Climate change denial May, 2011
Up in arms March, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Zero carbon world December, 2010
Seed savers September, 2010
Life beyond growth July, 2010
Deported! What happened next? June, 2010
Deported! What happened next? June, 2010
Bloody oil - shut down the tar sands! April, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009