A few months ago, when I started work on ‘The Great Rebellion’, an uprising by the Arab people was equally difficult to forecast as its outcome is now, as we go to press.
Media coverage in the West immediately suggested that the fate of the Egyptian people must rest in the hands of the US Government, which has funded the Egyptian apparatus of repression for so long. But despotism has been justified once too often by the ignorant and deceitful fantasy that the people of the region are wedded to Islamic extremism.
The truth is that the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings were just the most recent in a sequence that began in Latin America, continues through much of Asia and is a response to the despotism of free- market fundamentalism and corporate globalization. Because of this response, the ‘Third’ or Majority World has largely avoided The Great Recession and is now in the economic driving seat. And because of this – if for no other reason – the Western physician would be well advised to heal itself. It could do worse than begin by abandoning the prescriptions of the corporate media, which failed just as miserably to diagnose both the Great Recession and the Great Rebellion.
Elsewhere in the magazine we peep inside the paranoid minds of conspiracy theorists, give the humble honeybee a much-needed helping hand, and applaud the global mobilizations of Avaaz.
David Ransom for the New Internationalist co-operative.
'Masses everywhere' celebrate a strike against low wages at the Chinese-owned Pine Great Cambodia Garment Company in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September 2010.
Chor Sokunthea / Reuters
The Great Recession may have stunned the Minority World, but the Majority World has survived more or less unscathed. David Ransom investigates why, and traces the outlines of a future that might just be worth having.
India may be one of the world’s current economic ‘winners’ but inequality is its fastest-growing sector, reveals Jaideep Hardikar.
Cartoonist Polyp explores conspiracy theories and finds them not just dotty but dangerous.
‘Barefoot beekeepers’ adopt an alternative approach to safeguarding the threatened bee population.
Two activists debate whether property destruction is a valid tactic for bringing about social and political change - plus your chance to join the conversation.
A protest against opening the EU's doors to Canada's polluting tar sands
Morocco’s exploitation of Western Sahara’s fish stocks in choppy waters.
Interview with Parvin Ardalan who is at the heart of the struggle for women's rights in Iran.