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Quantitative easing and its aftermath

Richard Murphy takes down the financial shenanigans and mythmaking that rich governments have used to hide their powers to spend for good.

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NI 547 - Climate capitalism - January, 2024
Distributing supplies to flood survivors in Rajanpur district in 2010. Pakistan dealt with flood devastation again at the end of 2022 which devastated its economy.Photo: Reinhard Krause/Reuters/Alamy

IMF dictat

Report on Pakistan's emergency financial bailout by Kabir Agarwal.

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NI 543 - Loneliness - May, 2023
Heading out to sea in Mahébourg, Mauritius.Photo: Tommy Trenchard/Panos Pictures

Treasure hunt

Could a Kenyan court case point the way towards a more just tax system? Amy Hall investigates.

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NI 542 - A world to win - March, 2023

16 million and counting - the collateral damage of capital

Over the past 50 years, powerful states and corporations have imposed neoliberal policies around the world, delivering a potent cocktail of privatization, deregulation and cuts to public services. Millions have died from inadequate access to basic nutrition. There is another way, write Dylan Sullivan and Jason Hickel.

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NI 541 - The cost of living crisis - January, 2023
Illustration: Andy Carter

What if...

There was a World Tax Organization? Alex Cobham envisions a global body to clamp down on tax dodging.

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NI 538 - Rivers of life - July, 2022
Illustration: Tomekah George

Lloyd’s of London’s debt

When it comes to the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and ongoing support of fossil fuels, what would be the cost of financial reparations? Through exploring the history of a prominent player in the insurance marketplace, Sahar Shah and Harpreet Kaur Paul have an idea of where to start.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Opposite page: Activists in New York City protest against the influence of ‘dark money’ from the billionaire Koch brothers on many areas of political decision-making, including healthcare.Photo: Erik McGregor/Sipa USA/PA Images

Dark money

Funds from hidden sources are warping democracy with increasing and devastating effect. Peter Geoghegan follows the money.

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NI 530 - Democracy on the edge - March, 2021
Julius sits on the porch of his house in Trenton, New Jersey, looking north at Ewing Township where foreclosure rates are drastically lower.Photo: Jack Crosbie

Home sweet home

Ten years ago the world focused on the US foreclosure crisis as thousands lost their homes in dodgy mortgage deals. Today, the crisis is still a reality for many. Jack Crosbie reports.

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018
Workers labouring on a suspension bridge across the Yangtze River in May 2018.Photo: AFP/Getty Images

China: a post-neoliberal order?

If the global financial crisis symbolized the decline of the West, it also signalled that the future belongs to China – a superpower that ‘understands’ the developing world better than the US, IMF or World Bank, according to Martin Jacques.

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018

The next financial crisis

Clueless central banks? A trade war? Southern debt? Leading economists on where the next crisis might come from...

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018

The carbon bubble

Yohann Koshy looks at the impending catastrophe linking the stock market to climate change.

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018

When the world almost ended

It’s 10 years since the global financial system almost sent the world into a great depression. Yohann Koshy takes stock of what went wrong and where we are now.

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NI 514 - The next financial crisis - July, 2018
Dirty banking in Europe

Dirty banking in Europe

The European Central Bank (ECB) is pumping billions into the economy, resulting in a massive subsidy for oil and gas business and highway construction and car production companies.

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NI 502 - West Papua - Freedom in sight? - May, 2017
Mimicking the global super-rich at an anti-tax-haven demo in Trafalgar Square during May’s Global Anti-Corruption Summit.Photo: Neil Hall/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Ending the offshore bonanza

There are ways to change the irresponsible system of tax avoidance, as Niko Block demonstrates.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016

The dictionary of deceit

New Internationalist dissects the language of high finance with low motives.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016
France’s Nuit Debout movement hits the streets in Rennes to protest against a range of social injustices, including tax evasion by the rich and powerful.Photo: ABACA/PA Images

Fox in charge of the hen house

Alain Deneault explains how states legalize tax fraud.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016
When tax gets paid in something as tangible as rice (as it is here in Thaton, Burma) it is much harder to dissimulate ownership and blur the amount owed. But in a globalized post-industrial economy the rich and powerful are much better placed to avoid paying their share and even being self-righteous about it.Photo: James Strachan / Robert Harding

Whose money is it anyway?

Dan Hind explodes the self-righteous excuses of tax cheats.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016

The dissimulation game

Tax avoidance is a worldwide system involving many destinations and layers of financial manipulation. We chart a few of the strands to show who wins and who loses.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016
An oil spill clean-up in the community of Nueva Alianza, in Peru’s northern Amazon region.Photo: Barbara Fraser

The damage done

Tax avoidance has its most pernicious effects in the Global South. Stephanie Boyd reports from Peru.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Climate capitalism January, 2024
Loneliness May, 2023
A world to win March, 2023
The cost of living crisis January, 2023
The cost of living crisis January, 2023
Rivers of life July, 2022
The future of work November, 2021
Democracy on the edge March, 2021
The next financial crisis July, 2018
The next financial crisis July, 2018
The next financial crisis July, 2018
The next financial crisis July, 2018
The next financial crisis July, 2018
West Papua - Freedom in sight? May, 2017
The coming war on China December, 2016
The coming war on China December, 2016
The coming war on China December, 2016
The coming war on China December, 2016
The coming war on China December, 2016
The coming war on China December, 2016