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Plastic plants

Plastic plants

As oil supplies dwindle, the plastic industry is pinning its hopes on biomass. Not a great idea, reasons Jim Thomas.

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Children of the Revolution

Children of the Revolution

This is a book that highlights how people caught in between places are denied identity, perspective and intimacy.

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El Baño del Papa (The Pope’s Toilet)

El Baño del Papa (The Pope’s Toilet)

A film about the Pope’s toilet. Directed by Enrique Fernandez and Cesar Charlone

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The Garifuna Women’s Project from Central America

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Chinese Mongolian ‘Björk’ steps into Tibet controversy

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What love’s got to do with it Illustration by *Sarah John*

What love’s got to do with it

Maria Golia on conflicting loves in Cairo

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Youssou N'Dour

Senegal’s beacon of good music and positive energy Youssou N’Dour talks to Ed Stocker

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Life on Mars

Life on Mars

True tales of a mixed-up world

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Plastic bits mixed with beach sand (top); ‘plastic soup’ (bottom) dredged from the Pacific. Photo: Algalita Marine Research Foundation

Sea of garbage

The good ship Alguita sails an ocean choked with plastic. Blog by Anna Cummins.

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On yer bike! A clear message was given to coal companies at Australia's climate camp in July. Photo by: CONOR ASHLEIGH

Power surge

Activists scrub the grubby face of globalization clean

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Black holes and demonstrations

Black holes and demonstrations

Positive outcome, but at a cost of seven campaigners lives, killed by police during a demonstration against the GCM coalmine in Bangladesh.

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Breaking China’s coal addiction

Breaking China’s coal addiction

Renewables revolution is there for the taking

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Country profile: Botswana

Since independence in 1966, Botswana’s annual growth rates have been the highest in the world – bar none. It is estimated that were it not for the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, growth rates would be one or two per cent higher today.

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Search results in a table:

Article title Description Author Published Magazine Link
Plastic plants

As oil supplies dwindle, the plastic industry is pinning its hopes on biomass. Not a great idea, reasons Jim Thomas.

Jim Thomas September, 2008 415 Buy
Children of the Revolution

This is a book that highlights how people caught in between places are denied identity, perspective and intimacy.

Matthew McCann September, 2008 415 Buy
El Baño del Papa (The Pope’s Toilet)

A film about the Pope’s toilet. Directed by Enrique Fernandez and Cesar Charlone

Malcolm Lewis September, 2008 415 Buy

The Garifuna Women’s Project from Central America

Louise Gray September, 2008 415 Buy

Chinese Mongolian ‘Björk’ steps into Tibet controversy

Louise Gray September, 2008 415 Buy
What love’s got to do with it

Maria Golia on conflicting loves in Cairo

Maria Golia September, 2008 415 Buy
Youssou N'Dour

Senegal’s beacon of good music and positive energy Youssou N’Dour talks to Ed Stocker

Ed Stocker September, 2008 415 Buy
Big Bad World - Peak Oil

Polyp’s peak oil fun ride

P J Polyp September, 2008 415 Buy
Life on Mars

True tales of a mixed-up world

September, 2008 415 Buy
Sea of garbage

The good ship Alguita sails an ocean choked with plastic. Blog by Anna Cummins.

Anna Cummins September, 2008 415 Buy
The language of prejudice...

by Mitchell & Richardson

Mitchell & Richardson September, 2008 415 Buy
Power surge

Activists scrub the grubby face of globalization clean

Sam Martingell September, 2008 415 Buy
Black holes and demonstrations

Positive outcome, but at a cost of seven campaigners lives, killed by police during a demonstration against the GCM coalmine in Bangladesh.

September, 2008 415 Buy
Breaking China’s coal addiction

Renewables revolution is there for the taking

Ailun Yang September, 2008 415 Buy
Country profile: Botswana

Since independence in 1966, Botswana’s annual growth rates have been the highest in the world – bar none. It is estimated that were it not for the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, growth rates would be one or two per cent higher today.

Sara Gonzalez Devant September, 2008 415 Buy