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'Territory, autonomy, dignity... and no coal'

'Territory, autonomy, dignity... and no coal'

Jorge’s community is part of the 500,000-strong Wayúu indigenous group, and it is not only their home in the northern foothills of the Sierra de Perijá which is under threat.

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Currents Coal Special

Currents Coal Special

A special on coal – including the ‘clean coal’ con, windpower in China, success in Bangladesh and activism everywhere.

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Technofixes: climate solution or corporate scam?

Technofixes: climate solution or corporate scam?

Science is coming up with ever more extraordinary proposals for combating climate change, from laying white plastic over deserts to locking up carbon dioxide in the oceans or shooting it into space. Should we take any of this seriously?

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Thabo Mbeki

Thabo Mbeki

President of South Africa (though not for much longer).

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A young girl sits on a broken wall inside an informal factory where workers process waste leather to make glue. Leather tanneries are amongst the worst polluters in Bangladesh’s urban areas. Hazaribagh, Dhaka’s biggest leather processing industrial zone, is in the middle of one of the most densely populated residential districts. Its industries freely dump untreated toxic waste directly into the low-lying area, river and natural canals.

River Bleeds Black

Bangladeshi photographer Shehzad Noorani exposes the damage done to the Buriganga River.

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Dignity and the decent facility

Dignity and the decent facility

Women desperately want toilets – but not as a health aid. Libby Plumb reports.

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Mandela’s no tourist

Mandela’s no tourist

Nelson Mandela gets a birthday present from the US, being repealed from the Terror Watch List!

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Nelson Mandela (1918- )

Nelson Mandela (1918- )

Powerful words from South Africa’s first black President

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A lifetime in muck

A lifetime in muck

Unbelievably, people still exist whose task in life is shovelling shit, as Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains.

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Teófilo Acuña Photo by Jo Lateu

Teófilo Acuña

Colombian activist Teófilo Acuña on the danger of confronting paramilitaries.

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Eau de victory

Eau de victory

Water privatization heads back to public management around the world

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The drugs don't work

The drugs don't work

Why young rural Indians end up addicted to pills

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Tortured for 'refusing to kill'

Tortured for 'refusing to kill'

A conscientious objector from Istanbul was beaten with sticks until he passed out

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Getting fair treatment

Getting fair treatment

Brazil’s AIDS fight against Big Pharma continues

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Search results in a table:

Article title Description Author Published Magazine Link
'Territory, autonomy, dignity... and no coal'

Jorge’s community is part of the 500,000-strong Wayúu indigenous group, and it is not only their home in the northern foothills of the Sierra de Perijá which is under threat.

September, 2008 415 Buy
Currents Coal Special

A special on coal – including the ‘clean coal’ con, windpower in China, success in Bangladesh and activism everywhere.

September, 2008 415 Buy
Technofixes: climate solution or corporate scam?

Science is coming up with ever more extraordinary proposals for combating climate change, from laying white plastic over deserts to locking up carbon dioxide in the oceans or shooting it into space. Should we take any of this seriously?

Jim Thomas,Paul Fitzgerald August, 2008 414 Buy
Thabo Mbeki

President of South Africa (though not for much longer).

August, 2008 414 Buy
River Bleeds Black

Bangladeshi photographer Shehzad Noorani exposes the damage done to the Buriganga River.

Shehzad Noorani August, 2008 414 Buy
Dignity and the decent facility

Women desperately want toilets – but not as a health aid. Libby Plumb reports.

Libby Plumb August, 2008 414 Buy
Big Bad World - Happiness

Polyp's take on happiness

P J Polyp August, 2008 414 Buy
Mandela’s no tourist

Nelson Mandela gets a birthday present from the US, being repealed from the Terror Watch List!

August, 2008 414 Buy
Nelson Mandela (1918- )

Powerful words from South Africa’s first black President

August, 2008 414 Buy
A lifetime in muck

Unbelievably, people still exist whose task in life is shovelling shit, as Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains.

Mari Marcel Thekaekara,Stan Thekaekara August, 2008 414 Buy
Teófilo Acuña

Colombian activist Teófilo Acuña on the danger of confronting paramilitaries.

Jo Lateu August, 2008 414 Buy
Eau de victory

Water privatization heads back to public management around the world

August, 2008 414 Buy
The drugs don't work

Why young rural Indians end up addicted to pills

Rebecca Wearn August, 2008 414 Buy
Tortured for 'refusing to kill'

A conscientious objector from Istanbul was beaten with sticks until he passed out

August, 2008 414 Buy
Getting fair treatment

Brazil’s AIDS fight against Big Pharma continues

Jo Lateu August, 2008 414 Buy