Greenpeace activists protest in front of a biomass power plant in Bischofferode, Germany in 2022. The placard reads: ‘Protect forests, do not burn!’.Photo: Greenpeace

Temperature Check

Should forests be fuel? The pre-emptive arrest of 25 climate campaigners in the UK, highlights a dirty secret. Danny Chivers reports.

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NI 552 - Disinformation - November, 2024
Illustration: Emma Peer


Out of the woods? By Nick Dawson.

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NI 543 - Loneliness - May, 2023
Illustration: Andy Carter

What if...

Electricity were a right not a commodity? Breaking away from an energy system in which we are only consumers can help tackle the cost of living and climate crises. Nick Dowson sketches out an alternative.

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NI 540 - Land rights - November, 2022
Big hydro bad news

Big hydro bad news

Klara Sikorova bemoans the destruction of communities in Georgia caused by big hydropower projects.

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NI 491 - Last stand - Saving the world's forests - April, 2016
A devastated landscape: Suncor
Canada’s oilsands upgrader facility on
the banks of the Athabasca River.Larry MacDougal/CP Photo

Putting the 'I' in ecocide

22 April is Earth Day. Should punishment be made to those personally responsible for destroying our planet?

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
The sacred canyon of Pakitzapango. Local communities were not consulted about plans to build a 165-metre high dam here that would flood them out.Ministry of Interior / Government of Peru

Peru's dam busters

Vanessa Baird discovers why the Asháninka people of the River Ene are taking a hard line against dam builders – and others.

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NI 446 - Nature's defenders - October, 2011
Climate protestor takes her message to the Edinburgh office of Greenergy, Britain’s largest biofuel supplier.David Cheskin / PA Archive/Press Association Images

Where now for biofuels?

Can fuel crops ever be sustainable? Danny Chivers gives us the lowdown.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011
Biofuels - the good, the bad and the ugly

Biofuels - the good, the bad and the ugly

From wood to algae, biofuels have been around for years. But they're not necessarily all they're cracked up to be. Danny Chivers has the low-down.

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NI 444 - The changing face of masculinity - July, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Disinformation November, 2024
Loneliness May, 2023
Land rights November, 2022
Last stand - Saving the world's forests April, 2016
Adapt or die April, 2012
Nature's defenders October, 2011
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011
The changing face of masculinity July, 2011