Coal? No thanks Picasa 2.7

Coal? No thanks

In China large protests are taking place against coal pollution, writes Dinah Gardner

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Since the death of Steve Jobs, allegations have surfaced accusing Apple of exploiting it's workers. Under a CC Licence

The unpalatable reality of working for Apple

A fresh wave of reports unveiling exploitation in the iPad empire are forcing Apple to clean up up its act, reports Mark Engler.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
SUN Ji: “Memory City I #2” (2005) Pigment print on fine art paper. 75.5cm x 50cm - Edition of
10; 120cm x 80cm– Edition of 10.©SUN Ji. Courtesy of m97 Gallery, Shanghai

Southern Exposure

Chinese artist Sun Ji blends past and present Shanghai in his photo collages.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Whose miracle? Robert Scoble under a CC Licence

Whose miracle?

An epic migration to the cities has been responsible for China’s turbocharged economic performance. But, as Richard Swift explains, the cost for many workers has been too great and they refuse to be quiet any longer.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
Honda workers demand better pay and democratic unions: 500 striking autoworkers sparked a strike wave that shook south China in the summer of 2010.Siu Chiu/Reuters

Hard road to justice

Three personal stories of the battles being fought for workers’ rights.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
This graphic is part of the Swiss-based Public Eye campaign to elect the world’s worst corporation. Foxconn is a 2011 nominee.Greenpeace


Electronics giant Foxconn employs over a million people in China – in conditions that drive them to despair, reports Jenny Chan.

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NI 441 - China - makers of the miracle - April, 2011
On your bike: Specialist hand-filing of high-end bikes may have to give way to robotic production-line bike manufacturing in North America.Jonathan Maus /

Wheel back the factories

Chinese investors may bring manufacturing back to the West, discovers Libby Tucker.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
A man in Shanxi province rides past the communist dynasty of leaders (clockwise from top) Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Deng Xiaoping.Shanghai Stringer / Reuters

The next dynasty

Resource wars? Climate armageddon? What business-as-usual in China will mean for the rest of the world.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Stacking up the yuan: At the end of September 2008, the savings of Chinese people ($2.92 trillion) outstripped their loans almost 6 to 1.Reuters / Stringer in China

The yuan plays the dollar

Egyptian economist Gouda Abdel-Khalek talks with Rowenna Davis about China’s political plays in the Middle East.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009

Hu’s who

A guide to who’s running the show in China.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
The burning of the village of Um Zeifa in Darfur after the Janjaweed looted and attacked it. The Chinese Government has supplied much of the munitions used by the Janjaweed to destroy the non-Arab peoples in the south of Sudan.Photo by Brian Steidle

Breath of the dragon

China’s aid and arms are promoting one-party governments, argues Rebecca Tinsley.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009

On the world’s factory floor

Facts and figures about China’s growth and what it costs.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Confucius on display at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. These performers represent the 3,000 disciples of Confucius. While the calligraphy brushes being used for headgear reminded the world of the ancient origins of Chinese script, they also helped write a clear message to all who watched that China’s cultural influence on the world has been deep and lasting.Mike Blake / Reuters

The Cultural Crusades

Throw away the guns. Nick Young reports on the conquering power of Chinese culture.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009
Ruth Kapi points to the devastation created by the Chinese-led Ramu Nickel mine project.

Made in China

Chris Richards meets ‘Capi-communism’ – the Chinese version of capitalism that’s plundering Papua New Guinea.

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NI 423 - China in charge - June, 2009

Inside China’s prisons

It’s difficult to know for sure how many political prisoners there currently are in China, but it’s safe to say that there are thousands of them.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Mental health May, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China - makers of the miracle April, 2011
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
China in charge June, 2009
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008