Racist knockout

Racist knockout

The boxer has become the butt of social media jokes, Alessio Perrone writes.

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NI 513 - A better media is possible - June, 2018
Photo: The All-Nite Images

Six ways to be a better ally

Are you a non-black person unsure of how to support black struggles? Kristina Wong has some ideas for you.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
The black working class are often ‘invisible’ in Britain.Photo: ersoy emin / Alamy

Working class in Britain? You must be white

Kam Sandhu questions why the British working class is inevitably conceived of as white, despite ethnic minority communities being at the sharpest end of inequality.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Police can feel like an occupying force in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas.Photo: Valery Sharifulin/ITAR-TASS/Alamy

'A policy of extermination'

Brazil promotes the myth of a harmonious ‘racial democracy’ abroad, but the killings of black people resemble state-sponsored genocide, writes Vanessa Martina Silva.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018

Black Girl Magic

Natty Kasambala on the call to action and celebration.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Not forgotten: flowers for Michael Brown at a memorial outside the Canfield Green apartments, Ferguson, where he was shot dead by a police officer in 2015.Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images

The fight goes on

The struggle against institutionalized oppression in the US goes beyond protest to an inclusive politics of identity. And it’s not short on policy ideas either, says Jamilah King.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018

Black Lives - THE FACTS

The impacts of racism can be seen in almost all aspects of everyday life. Black and indigenous people are more likely to be jailed or unemployed – that’s if they make it past childhood.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
J’accuse: protests and riots rage for days after Keith Lamont Scott is shot dead by police in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 2016.Photo: Sean Rayford / Getty Images

A challenge to power

Black Lives Matter and a new generation of activism has the potential to reawaken the global fight for black liberation, argues Amy Hall.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
British parents boycott school census

British parents boycott school census

Parents have boycotted a school census to protect against administrators being ‘turned into border guards’ by the government, Amy Hall writes.

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NI 498 - The coming war on China - December, 2016


The award-winning rapper, writer, campaigner and lecturer talks to Dan Glazebrook about the myth of white supremacy and the death of racism.

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NI 489 - Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better - January, 2016
Right to make a scene: activists protest outside Minneapolis police headquarters after the death of Jamar Clark.Photo: Tony Webster under a CC Licence

A good moment to make a scene

Urgent cries for racial justice must not go unheard, writes Mark Engler.

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NI 489 - Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better - January, 2016
Photo: Tristan Oliveira Under a CC Licence


Mark Engler considers the true extent of US apartheid.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015
Activist street art in San Francisco.Photo: Franco Folini

Social change is written in the streets

Fifty years ago the Civil Rights Act was passed into law in the US. Movements not governments propel change, believes Mark Engler.

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NI 474 - Feminism fights back - July, 2014
Split society: shack dwellers
in Cape Town are dwarfed by
a huge billboard promoting a
‘brighter’ future.Eric Miller/Panos

Has the ANC ushered in neo-apartheid?

As the African National Congress turns 100, Brett Scott criticises its failure to share South Africa's prosperity with the poor.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right Front National, has her eyes on the French presidency.Pascal Rossignol / Reuters

Eyes to the far right

Extremists have been making inroads across Europe with a sanitized version of some very dirty politics. K Biswas looks into the heart of the beast.

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NI 443 - The far right gets respectable - June, 2011
Jesse Jackson on regrets, rejoicing and racism Photo by: Cliff under a CC Licence

Jesse Jackson on regrets, rejoicing and racism

The Baptist minister and US civil rights activist talks to Rowenna Davis about regrets, rejoicing and racism.

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NI 438 - Zero carbon world - December, 2010

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
A better media is possible June, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
The coming war on China December, 2016
Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better January, 2016
Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better January, 2016
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
Feminism fights back July, 2014
Haiti two years on January, 2012
The far right gets respectable June, 2011
Zero carbon world December, 2010