

Housing, prostitution, violence and the pursuit of economic growth. Praise, blame and all the points in between? Give us your feedback.

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NI 463 - Argentina's challenge - June, 2013

Housing - THE FACTS

Prices through the roof, a gaping deficit, homelessness, one billion in slums and an urban takeover.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013
Stop evictions! Protesters signal their anger outside a bank in Barcelona.Manu Fernandez / AP Photo

Resisting evictions Spanish style

The fallout the property bubble is mass homelessness. Melissa García Lamarca records how public anger has galvanized the movement for housing justice.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013
Frozen mid-jump in a 2008 snapshot of the US housing crisis: this girl’s family’s belongings lie on the sidewalk, following their eviction from their home in Waco, Texas. Her four siblings are not in the frame.Larry Downing / Reuters

Safe as houses?

Homes are for living in – so why are they sites of great insecurity? Dinyar Godrej makes the case against the scandal and delusion of the property marketplace.

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NI 461 - Demolition job - April, 2013

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The war on whistleblowers April, 2014
Argentina's challenge June, 2013
Demolition job April, 2013
Demolition job April, 2013
Demolition job April, 2013