Internationalize it! A girl takes part in a global day of action on climate change in Khayelitsha township near Cape Town, South Africa in September 2020.Photo: Sumaya Hisham/Reuters

Temperature check

Danny Chivers suggests five useful things you can do during COP26.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Photo: Sarah Yoon

The Interview: Susan Nakyung Lee

A newly formed citizen’s grouping – Global Assembly – wants a snapshot of humanity to air its views directly to policymakers at this year’s UN climate conference. Amy Hall speaks to one of its organizers, Susan Nakyung Lee, about the limits and potential of democracy.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
The Basòdino glacier lies in the borderlands between Switzerland and Italy, but it has retreated by 80 per cent since 1850. On 12 September, activists climbed the mountain to stage a ‘funeral’.Photo: Daniel Pittet

Farewell to a glacier

Nicholas Hutchinson mourns the death of the Basòdino glacier in Switzerland.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
A cop out? Activists don’t expect climate justice to emerge from negotiations at the UN summit under the leadership of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (whose head featured in a Greenpeace protest against plastic, outside Downing Street, London earlier this year).Photo: Peter Nicholls/Reuters

Will COP26 deliver?

Activists don’t expect climate justice to emerge from negotiations at the UN summit, reports Eve Livingston.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Illustration: Tomekah George

Lloyd’s of London’s debt

When it comes to the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and ongoing support of fossil fuels, what would be the cost of financial reparations? Through exploring the history of a prominent player in the insurance marketplace, Sahar Shah and Harpreet Kaur Paul have an idea of where to start.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
No fear of heights: two engineers check out the drill shaft on an oil platform in the North Sea.Photo: Horizon International Images Limited/Alamy

Green jobs - puffery and promise

Campaigners have long argued that a transition to renewable energy could provide a jobs bonanza. Now politicians are talking that talk – but many workers in the fossil-fuel industry believe it’s a con. Conrad Landin picks through the rhetoric with offshore workers in Scotland.

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NI 534 - The future of work - November, 2021
Perfect for peanuts. Oumar Ba is working to restore the sandy soils of the Sahel in Ndiob district, Senegal.Photo: Hazel Healy/New Internationalist

‘This land is beautiful to us’

The soil is dying, the water’s running out, and climate change is rendering the future even more uncertain. Hazel Healy speaks to farmers in Senegal who are ready for a different system.

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NI 533 - Food justice: who gets to eat? - September, 2021
Illustration: Emma Peer

Agony Uncle: A climate activist's conviction vs their future

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. Seems like we’re all in need of a New Internationalist perspective. Enter stage: Agony Uncle.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Only Planet

Only Planet

Final frontier, by Marc Roberts.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Tree-planting overkill? There literally isn’t enough room on the planet to host all the corporate carbon-offsetting plans.Photo: Nikola Jovanovic/Unsplash

Temperature check

Is there such a thing as a ‘good’ carbon offset? Words by Danny Chivers.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Illustration: Thewet Nonthachai/Shutterstock

Shadow courts

Juliet Ferguson investigates the Energy Charter Treaty, an international agreement which could be very bad news for energy policy across the Global South.

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NI 532 - Courage and terror in Myanmar - July, 2021
Coal sting

Coal sting

German energy giant sues the Netherlands for compensation, reports Nick Dowson.

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NI 531 - Vaccine equality - May, 2021
Photo: Benjamin Blankenship

Spotlight: Arka Kinari

Claire Fauset is on board with Arka Kinari, an extraordinary ecological live music project, staged from the deck of a traditional sailing ship as it tours the world.

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NI 530 - Democracy on the edge - March, 2021
 Another chunk of the Amazon rainforest goes up in smoke. In the last 10 years alone, 38,600 km2 (equal to 8.4 million football fields) has been deforested for ranching, logging, soy and oil-palm cultivation.Photo: Loren McIntyre/Stock Connection Blue/Alamy

The case for nature

We have brought the natural world and its diversity to a breaking point. Dinyar Godrej surveys the damage and explores how we need to act to repair it.

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NI 529 - The biodiversity emergency - January, 2021
Photo: Ally Bruener

My ass and the oceans

Let down by the state and in-home care companies, Ally Bruener struggles to balance care for the planet with her own vital needs.

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NI 528 - A caring economy - November, 2020
Agony Uncle

Agony Uncle

Ethical and political dilemmas abound these days. Seems like we’re all in need of a New Internationalist perspective. Enter stage: Agony Uncle.

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NI 526 - The Kurds - betrayed again - July, 2020
Children protest against climate impacts of fast fashion in Montreal on Black Friday, November 2019.Photo: Lucy EJ Woods

Young climate heroes

Skipping meals to talk to the media, aiming to get arrested – and still making it to your hockey game. These are just some of the tasks found on the to-do lists of campaigners in Canada who are putting everything on the line to fight for a liveable, just future. Lucy EJ Woods went to meet them.

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NI 524 - How we make poverty - March, 2020

Spotlight: Peter Cusack

Louise Gray speaks to Peter Cusack about a sensory project bringing a new dimension to environmental storytelling.

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NI 522 - China in charge - November, 2019
Illustration: Andy Carter

What if... cities became car-free?

Vanessa Baird on how to turn a toxic bane into a liberating blessing.

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NI 522 - China in charge - November, 2019

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The future of work November, 2021
The future of work November, 2021
The future of work November, 2021
The future of work November, 2021
The future of work November, 2021
The future of work November, 2021
Food justice: who gets to eat? September, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Courage and terror in Myanmar July, 2021
Vaccine equality May, 2021
Democracy on the edge March, 2021
The biodiversity emergency January, 2021
A caring economy November, 2020
A caring economy November, 2020
The Kurds - betrayed again July, 2020
How we make poverty March, 2020
China in charge November, 2019
China in charge November, 2019