Anabela (right) provides shade during a participatory video session.Photo: Thor Morales via Insight Share

Making Waves: Anabela Carlón Flores

Nick Dowson speaks with an indigenous lawyer and campaigner fighting a gas pipeline in Mexico.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

Latin American countries are seeing unprecedented growth in clean, cheap solar power writes Emily Earnshaw.

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NI 510 - Black Lives Matter - March, 2018
Protesters, including First Nations people, blocking the road to Adani’s Abbott Point coal port.Photo: Alex Bainbridge / Green Left Weekly

While the world’s largest coal mine gets the go ahead…

With the Great Barrier Reef and climate targets under threat, Tom Anderson and Eliza Egret explain why this mega mine matters to all of us.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017
Cochabamba fire.Illustration by Sarah John

Lights in the mountains

Not a sign of progress but a cause for alarm. Amy Booth reports from Cochabamba’s overlong dry season.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017
When water supplies run dry in his village, Shiva Korade attempts to make a living selling sugarcane juice in nearby Pune.Photo: Fiona Broom

Lessons from the thirst economy

Conflicts over water are on the rise in India, but climate change is not the only culprit. Fiona Broom reports on a powerful water mafia that is sucking India dry.

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NI 504 - The Equality Effect - July, 2017
Child brings climate law suit against government

Child brings climate law suit against government

Nine-year-old Ridhima Pandey is fed up with inaction on climate change, writes Amy Hall.

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NI 503 - Homelessness - June, 2017
Bill McKibben founder of 350.orgPhoto by SNRE

Political organization, not light bulbs, key to climate fight says Bill McKibben

Fighting climate change requires organization rather than individual actions, founder of Bill McKibben told this year’s Greenbelt festival's audience. Joe Ware reports.

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NI 495 - Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist - September, 2016
Photo: C Choupas

‘We need to be on the right side of history’

Unions can play a vital role in the battle for climate justice, says Anabella Rosenberg, Policy Officer for Health and Environment at the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Here she talks about growing awareness in the global labour movement and the challenges ahead.

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NI 495 - Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist - September, 2016
Syrian refugees at a clinic in Jordan.Photo by DFID

The role of climate change in the Syria crisis: how the media got it wrong

Alex Randall argues that the conclusions drawn were the wrong ones.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

Five years ago in New Internationalist

Chris Brazier remembers our climate change denial magazine.

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NI 492 - Technology justice - May, 2016
Portent of doom: a penguin covered in oil following a spill off the coast of South Africa.Photo: Martin Harvey/Alamy Stock Photo

The duty to care for our common home

Femke Wijdekop makes the case for Ecocide to become a crime under international law.

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NI 492 - Technology justice - May, 2016
All smiles, no substance: delegates at the Paris climate talks gather for a photo shoot.Photo: ConexiónCOP Agencia de noticias

COP21 agreed to a climate-changed world

Recognition of global warming is one thing; taking genuine action is another, writes Nnimmo Bassey.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Photo: © Cherri Foytlin

COP21 and the invisible jungle of Calais

Cherri Foytlin meets refugees directly affected by climate change.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Image: Ron Mader under a Creative Commons Licence

What’s hot and what’s not at Paris #COP21

Things and people that made us smile - and that raised our ire during the Paris climate talks.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
'D12' day of action, Paris, France, 12 December 2015.Photo: Yann Levy / under a Creative Commons Licence

Why we should feel positive about Paris

Though the deal was a dud, this was no Copenhagen, argue Jess Worth and Danny Chivers.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015

Avaaz greenwashes Paris climate agreement

Avaaz is triumphant, but the Paris Agreement promotes the kind of policies that have failed us so far, write Marienna Pope-Weidemann and Samir Dathi.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Filipino climate and environmental activists helped mobilize thousands during the global people’s climate march during the weekend before the opening of COP21.Photo by Loi Manalansan/Kalikasan

At COP21, the people and future generations will be failed once again

The Paris Agreement shows how powerful nations have imposed their will at the climate negotiations, writes Clemente Bautista.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015
Jenni Laity, a Sámi women from Scandinavia, protesting in solidarity with other Indigenous people outside Total headquarters against tar sands and oil extraction.© Kristian Buus

Sámi grassroots fight for indigenous rights in Paris

The Sámi are the indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia and were in Paris with other indigenous to fight for climate justice. Ragnhild Freng Dale explains.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015

Which way after Paris Agreement?

La Via Campesina’s agro-ecology and food sovereignty offers one possible path toward climate justice, writes Marienna Pope-Weidemann in part one of this two part series.

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NI 21 - Paris Climate Talks - COP21 - December, 2015

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Black Lives Matter March, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
Humans vs robots November, 2017
Bad Education September, 2017
The Equality Effect July, 2017
Homelessness June, 2017
Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist September, 2016
Trade unions - rebuild, renew, resist September, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Technology justice May, 2016
Technology justice May, 2016
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015
Paris Climate Talks - COP21 December, 2015