Under attack:
members of the
Peshawar Press Club,
December 2009.Mohammad Iqbal / AP / Press Association Images

A treacherous occupation

Pakistan is the deadliest country to be a journalist, as Manzoor Ali knows only too well.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
A guiding light: a Labour Party supporter remembers political workers killed in the 2007 Karachi riots. The Pakistani Left has since regrouped and hopes to lead the way in the country's future.Athar Hussain/Reuters

The Pakistani Left is re-grouping

The Pakistani Left has a history to be proud of and is regrouping to fight in new battles, as Qualandar Bux Memon and Ali Mohsni report.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011
Time for change: activists demand that the 'feudal chain' linking the military with politicians be broken.Mohsin Raza/Reuters

Pakistan on the edge of hope

Despite its turbulent past, Ziauddin Sardar finds reasons for optimism in Pakistan's future.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011

Pakistan - the facts

An infographic covering population, religion, quality of life and more.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011
Starting over: a woman plasters the new home she has built.Iva Zimova / Panos

After the floods... A North Frontier village makes a comeback

Merryl Wyn Davies visits a remote village in Northwest Frontier to find out how it is recovering from last year’s devastating floods.

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NI 445 - Pakistan - daring to hope - September, 2011
Courtesy of Khwendo Kor

Maryam Bibi

Empowering girls and women in Pakistan

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
An internally displaced girl carries a pitcher of water in the Swat Valley.Stringer Pakistan / Reuters

Why Pakistan's Taliban win as they lose

Pakistan's army offensive has wrongfooted the Taliban. But the larger war of ideas has yet to be won. Pervez Hoodbhoy explains.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
The charm fades

The charm fades

Pakistani physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy explores his country’s rocky relationship with nukes.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
Mental health May, 2012
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Pakistan - daring to hope September, 2011
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008