Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Digital freedoms – THE FACTS

Who’s online where, who has your data and how much are they spending to get it?

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NI 458 - Internet showdown - December, 2012
Democracy activists 
were outlawed 
under Moi.AP Photo/ Sayyid Azim

Torture recompense comes to Kenyans

Maina Waruru celebrates payouts for persecuted activists on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
Lady Justice is a familiar London landmark – but justice for those accused of terrorism offences is not so easily found.James Cridland under a CC Licence

Abu Qatada: when the net tightens on justice

Britain's counter-terrorism policy is undermining the rule of law, argues Simon Crowther.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
Country Profile: Guatemala

Country Profile: Guatemala

The country's unequal wealth distribution and rapid population growth have made it one of the poorest in Latin America, writes Anna-Claire Bevan.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Gone for soldiers David Cheskin / PA Wire

Gone for soldiers

The reality of conflict, from World War One to Afghanistan, has had a terrible impact on Joe Glenton and his family.

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Tuaregs hard hit by Mali conflict

Tuaregs hard hit by Mali conflict

Nick Harvey and Julien Tremblin look at the plight of Tuareg refugees caught in the crossfire of a conflict that’s as devastating as it is complex...

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NI 452 - Mental health - May, 2012
Should donor nations give aid to countries with poor human rights records?

Should donor nations give aid to countries with poor human rights records?

Human rights lawyer Errol Mendes and aid campaigner Jonathan Glennie go head-to-head - read their arguments and join the debate.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
 Essay: Deindustrializing humanity

Essay: Deindustrializing humanity

Neither humanity nor nature are commodities. It’s time the old ideology was dissolved, writes Jeremy Seabrook.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Since the death of Steve Jobs, allegations have surfaced accusing Apple of exploiting it's workers. Under a CC Licence

The unpalatable reality of working for Apple

A fresh wave of reports unveiling exploitation in the iPad empire are forcing Apple to clean up up its act, reports Mark Engler.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Dirty work: a digger at
the Marange diamond
fields in Zimbabwe.Robin Hammond/ Panos

Kimberley Process 'whitewashes' blood diamonds

Aoife Allen describes how The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is not doing enough to clean up the gems trade.

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NI 451 - Adapt or die - April, 2012
Women gather outside Cairo’s
State Council court to protest
against virginity tests.Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters

Blue bras and mettle: Egypt's women stand their ground

Libby Powell reflects on last year's International Womens Day when women took to the streets of Egypt to fight for their rights.

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NI 450 - Time for a fair economy - March, 2012
And Finally... Juliet Stevenson Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Press Association Images

And Finally... Juliet Stevenson

Successful actor and would-be human rights lawyer Juliet Stevenson on the disgrace of locking up children, and the importance of good-story-telling.

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NI 449 - Haiti two years on - January, 2012
A protester in West Papua, face painted with the ‘Morning Star’ flag.Photo by Alexander P.

West Papuans mark bitter-sweet ‘independence’ day

It's 50 years since West Papua first won independence, only for Indonesia to cruelly snatch it away. Nick Harvey reports on the tensions in the region.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Internet showdown December, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Mental health May, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Adapt or die April, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Haiti two years on January, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011