Ending the artwash. Words by Danny Chivers.
We cannot let the ever-expanding oil and gas industry stand in the way of urgently needed climate action. Nick Dowson lays out a path to change.
As Covid-19 spread across the world, greenhouse-gas emissions plummeted, thanks to a reduction in human activity. But meanwhile, writes Amy Hall, some of the world’s most polluting companies and industries have been using the pandemic to maintain and even ramp up their environmentally ruinous activities.
Drug patents were scrapped? Husna Rizvi makes a vital suggestion.
Lobbyists, chlorinated chicken and tricksy business in the fog of Brexit.
Trying to take back failing privatized public services exposes governments to the risk of being sued for gargantuan amounts by foreign corporations. Lavinia Steinfort reports.
Can a US chain of profit-making schools really help the poor? Patience Akumu reports on the impact of Bridge academies in Uganda.
Silicon Valley types say that with enough data, they can ‘fix’ education. Where are the teachers in this grand plan? asks Tamasin Cave.
Corporations that care? Don’t believe the spin, writes Dale Lately.
Mark Engler bemoans the corporate colonization of public space.
Does it matter that Google, Facebook and Amazon are so successful? Vanessa Baird examines what their domination means for all of us.
How new trade deals – and Investor-State Dispute Settlements in particular – are giving more power to companies to sue countries for lost profits.
Jess Worth reports on a victory for campaigners wanting BP out of the arts.
Louise Sales reports on word games in the GMO industry.
Five reasons not to buy BP’s story about the end of its sponsorship deals.
Simon Trace on the skewed priorities of medical research.
Good for corporations, but what about the pupils? Adam Unwin and John Yandell consider the impact of edu-businesses.
TTIP is both ludicrous and frightening, writes Chris Coltrane.
We need to push back against unacceptable corporate behaviour, writes Mark Engler.
Big Oil's history of denial, delay and distortion is laid bare by Greg Muttitt.