Country Profile: Peru

Country Profile: Peru

Peru is said to be booming but the poor would never know it. Stephanie Boyd reports.

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NI 458 - Internet showdown - December, 2012
How do you sleep at night, Mr Davis?

How do you sleep at night, Mr Davis?

Two dead, 100 injured – this is the way Swiss mining giant Xstrata does ‘community relations’ in Peru, while boss Mick Davis is in line for a $44 million bonus.

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NI 453 - Protection racket - June, 2012
‘Many of our people have worked in mines,’ says Mauro Cruz. ‘They know what happens...’Vanessa Baird

Peruvians rise up against the mines

The scale of indigenous-led protests against mining in southern Peru took most by surprise. Vanessa Baird on what led to such flare-ups.

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NI 446 - Nature's defenders - October, 2011
Araldo, elected chief of Union Puerto Asháninka sings his resistance to hydroelectric dams.

Peru's dam busters

Vanessa Baird discovers why the Asháninka people of the River Ene are taking a hard line against dam builders – and others.

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NI 446 - Nature's defenders - October, 2011
Leading the way: Blanco with Enrique Fernández, editor of Lucha Indígena.Roxana Olivera

Hugo Blanco

Leading voice for indigenous rights, Hugo Blanco.

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NI 439 - Who's pushing politicians' buttons? - January, 2011
An image from secret police photos of the capture and detention of  the anti-Majaz mining project protestors. Photo by JULIO VASQUEZ ARCHIVE.

The ticking bomb

Peru’s rash of unlikely terrorists. Stephanie Boyd reports.

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Indigenous protestors rally against APEC and high food prices in the ancient Peruvian capital of Cuzco. Photo by Miguel Araoz Cartagena

Food last!

Across the world, popular protest has demanded adequate food and fair prices. Stephanie Boyd reports from Cuzco in Peru.

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NI 418 - Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? - December, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Internet showdown December, 2012
Protection racket June, 2012
Time for a fair economy March, 2012
Nature's defenders October, 2011
Nature's defenders October, 2011
Who's pushing politicians' buttons? January, 2011
Terror takeover November, 2009
Crisis! Crisis! Food... Money... What next? December, 2008