Mark Engler reflects on the life of Pete Seeger - an American musician, patriot and dissident.
In May 2018, a group of 15 mostly Peruvian workers decided enough was enough...
Photography is helping Peruvian women document life near Latin America’s largest goldmine.
Stephanie Boyd reports on a growing trend of private corporations hiring public law enforcers to protect their interests.
An update on the notorious Bagua case.
Thousands of families whose loved ones died or disappeared during Peru’s two-decades-long war with Maoist Shining Path guerrillas are one step closer to finding closure and compensation. Roxana Olivera reports.
Tax avoidance has its most pernicious effects in the Global South. Stephanie Boyd reports from Peru.
The politician seemingly came out of nowhere, writes Richard Swift.
Roxana Olivera talks to Goldman Environment Prize winner Máxima Acuña.
Roxana Olivera meets indigenous women in Peru who are still waiting for justice, two decades after being forcibly sterilized.
A blow for press freedom occurs just as the country prepares for a new ultra-right government, writes Stephanie Boyd.
Peruvians head to polling stations across the Andean nation, Lucas Iberico Lozada reports.
Diane Ghogomu talks to Susana Baca, the award-winning singer-songwriter who has dedicated her life to getting recognition for her marginalized Afro-Peruvian community.
Ximena S Warnaars reports on an unprecedented agreement in Peru.
For thousands of Peruvian children, daily life means working to help feed the family. Fernando Del Berro meets one of them.
Strange goings-on in the trial of indigenous protesters accused of killing police in Bagua. Roxana Olivera reports from the Peruvian Amazon.
As reserves dwindle and demand balloons, resource companies are pushing into more remote regions and onto indigenous land. Jen Wilton tours seven hotspots where native people are demanding the right to decide what happens on their ancestral territory.
Vulture funds buy up ‘bad’ debt owed by countries in distress and aggressively sue for full payment, plus compound interest.
David Hill reports on the legal move to protect isolated indigenous peoples at risk of ‘extermination’ by the country’s biggest ever hydrocarbons project.