Egypt’s new law puts asylum-seekers at risk as Sisi’s regime clamps down on dissent. Lara Gibson investigates.
Ten years on from the height of Europe’s refugee ‘crisis’, Greece remains a ‘holding pen’ for people on the move trying to start new lives. Charlie Milner reports from Lagadikia camp, where hundreds are stuck in limbo.
Where to hide? by Maarten Wolterink (Netherlands).
Sail away. Report on the humanitarian crisis in the central Mediterranean by Ben Cowles.
A hard-line regime in Greek refugee camps is making life harder for the migrants within them, as well as aid workers who want to help. Sebastian Skov Andersen and Gabriel Geiger report.
The vicious game of hounding out asylum-seekers in Europe continues in defiance of international law. Katie Dancey-Downs reports.
Husna Rizvi writes that informal settlements and refugee camps are perhaps the most dangerous places of all.
Subi Shah speaks to film-maker Kyla Simone Bruce.
Syrian artist Amel al-Zakout nearly drowned in the Mediterranean Sea after her boat capsized en route to Greece. Volunteer lifeguard Gerard Canals was part of the rescue operation. Hazel Healy put the two in touch with each other to speak for the first time since the shipwreck.
A network of solidarity exists among and alongside those who move, and stay, without permission. Hazel Healy profiles three initiatives. ‘Is it fair that Europe walks as it wants in Africa but not the opposite?’ ‘Once you help, you cannot close your eyes’ ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’.
A look at a study that shows how photos of migrants can influence the political behaviour of those who view them.
Sally Hayden reports on a fully independent, refugee-run news outlet in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya
The stories of women migrants making the desperate Mediterranean crossing to Europe are different from those of the men, marked by a higher level of exploitation and abuse. Lucia Benavides reports from Spain.
Matteo Salvini, Italy’s ‘refugee drowner-in-chief’, is put under the spotlight.
In 1987, the British government contracted a passenger ferry to act as a floating immigration detention centre for Tamil refugees. Later that year a storm set the ship loose from its moorings. Felix Bazalgette reports on the the little-known story of exodus and empire that paved the way for the Windrush scandal.
Vanessa Baird looks ahead at how things could be.
Civil war, ISIS invasions, mountains of rubbish. Never a dull day in Lebanon. The country’s constant turmoil is exhausting, says Reem Haddad, reporting from Beirut.
The treatment of Myanmar’s Rohingya people has been seen as a genocide in the making. Parsa Sanjana Sajid visits those trapped on the Bangladeshi border.