A River Called Time

A River Called Time

The fourth novel of Mozambican author Mia Couto

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NI 417 - Through Afghan eyes - November, 2008
From A to X: A Story in Letters

From A to X: A Story in Letters

A heartrending love-story and a searing indictment of authoritarianism in all its forms.

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NI 416 - Wanted! For dodging tax justice - October, 2008
The Rebels' Hour

The Rebels' Hour

Lieve Joris's spellbinding account of the recent ill-starred history of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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NI 416 - Wanted! For dodging tax justice - October, 2008
The Riddle of Qaf

The Riddle of Qaf

The Riddle of Qaf is crammed with allusions to classical literature and cod-scientific theories and it makes free (and unapologetic) use of myths and legends.

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NI 416 - Wanted! For dodging tax justice - October, 2008
Dancing, dying, crawling, crying

Dancing, dying, crawling, crying

Stories of continuity and change in the Polynesian community of Tikopia by Julian Treadaway

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NI 415 - Drowning in plastic - September, 2008
In Defense of Lost Causes

In Defense of Lost Causes

Superstar philosopher Slavoj Zizek writes in defence of lost causes

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NI 415 - Drowning in plastic - September, 2008
Children of the Revolution

Children of the Revolution

This is a book that highlights how people caught in between places are denied identity, perspective and intimacy.

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NI 415 - Drowning in plastic - September, 2008
The Hangman's Game

The Hangman's Game

Karen King-Aribisala's debut novel, a dark and brooding meditation on the stories we tell and the effect they have on everyday life

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Body Shopping: The Economy Fuelled by Flesh and Blood

Body Shopping: The Economy Fuelled by Flesh and Blood

Donna Dickensen’s fascinating overview of the complex world of medical ethics

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008

Anarchy Alive!

Gordon is well-grounded in both anarchist theory and as an activist in Britain and his own country, Israel. He provides a useful examination of the movement in many ways at the heart of the resistance to contemporary war and globalization.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008


The simple – and brilliant – premise of Khaled Al Khamissi's Taxi is to bring together 58 short fictional dialogues with some of Cairo’s 80,000 cab drivers, drawn from his own extensive experience of taxi journeys through this polluted, turbulent city.

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NI 413 - Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil - July, 2008
My Grandmother – A memoir

My Grandmother – A memoir

Every family has its secrets. So does every nation. But Turkey’s official secret remains extraordinarily potent because public references to the massive event that occurred 93 years ago are forbidden.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Beijing Coma

Beijing Coma

Ma Jian has undertaken his most ambitious project yet; a sweeping panorama of China in the years before and after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 4 June 1989.

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008
Bloodshot Monochrome

Bloodshot Monochrome

A new collection of poems by one of Britain's most significant poets

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NI 412 - Dropping the bomb - June, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Through Afghan eyes November, 2008
Wanted! For dodging tax justice October, 2008
Wanted! For dodging tax justice October, 2008
Wanted! For dodging tax justice October, 2008
Drowning in plastic September, 2008
Drowning in plastic September, 2008
Drowning in plastic September, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Viva Yasuní! Life vs Big Oil July, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008
Dropping the bomb June, 2008