To buy or not to buy

To buy or not to buy

The Nestlé fair trade Kit Kat dilemma.

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Victory looms

Victory looms

Transatlantic student boycott forces clothing company to reopen factory

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
Kings of the road: children join a protest in Maisuma, Srinagar.Photo by: Dilnaz Boga

Minor offences

India's brutal treatment of Kashmiri youths is fuelling conflict

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NI 429 - Too many of us? The population panic. - January, 2010
‘We will not be quiet!’ Tanzania’s Maasai fighting eviction and harrassment.Dieter Telemans / Panos

Hunted down

Maasai evicted so foreigners might play

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Watching the weather

Watching the weather

Weather patterns across the West African country have become increasingly hard to predict as a result of climate change.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
A wall runs through it: a Palestinian olive grove cut in two by the separation barrier.Ahikam Seri / Panos

The eye sees, but the hand can't reach

Palestinian proverb reflects bitter truth for olive farmers

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Droning on

Droning on

President Obama has carried out more drone attacks than George W Bush.

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Toxic legacy

Toxic legacy

Victims of ‘India’s Hiroshima’ still seek justice

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NI 428 - Welcome to Copenhagen! - December, 2009
Water shortage: the real thing

Water shortage: the real thing

Coca-Cola's water use in drought ravaged Kala Dera

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
In transit: Ayesha, Nazley and their new neighbours outside Ayesha's home in the temporary relocation area.Photo by Anna Majavu.

Sweeping the streets

Poor South Africans fall foul of soccer tournament preparations

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Miracle or mirage?

Miracle or mirage?

Solar-powered development has huge potential if problems can be overcome

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Balibo Five case reopened

Balibo Five case reopened

Thirty-four years on, the notorious case of the ‘Balibo Five’ is to be reopened.

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Canadian indigenous activist Clayton Thomas-Muller (right) leads the tar sands protest through London’s Trafalgar Square with a traditional song. Lionel Lepine (left) carries the banner.Photo by *Mike Russell*.

Bloody oil

Canadian First Nations internationalize their struggle against the most destructive project on earth

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NI 427 - Terror takeover - November, 2009
Last frontier

Last frontier

Local communities fight mineral exploration and eviction in the Andes

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Regime thumbs its nose at the world

Regime thumbs its nose at the world

The largest forced relocation since 1996-98

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Building for the future: those returning want to make a fresh start.Photo: Plan / Benno Neelman

The road to recovery

A decade after independence, Timor-Leste’s people are still struggling to get justice

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Named and shamed

Named and shamed

Countries across the globe that are flouting international law and violating refugees’ rights.

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Vulture culture Photo by Steven Woodward

Vulture culture

Time to close down the investment companies that feed off the living

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NI 426 - Islam in power - October, 2009
Carbon cowboys

Carbon cowboys

No international agreement exists on reducing emissions from forests, but that hasn’t stopped companies attempting to profit from it

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009
Goodbye to Guy

Goodbye to Guy

Guy Stringer, director of Oxfam, chair of Devopress who initially published New Internationalist magazine in 1974.

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NI 425 - Where have all the Bees gone? - September, 2009

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Too many of us? The population panic. January, 2010
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Welcome to Copenhagen! December, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Terror takeover November, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Islam in power October, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009
Where have all the Bees gone? September, 2009