Peasant farmers resisting the violence of agribusiness. By Nils McCune.
The world's poor are still losing out. They need a better deal, argues Dinyar Godrej.
Steve Parry explains why politicians and the internet don't get on.
Hazel Healy reports on an innovation that could help women in Iran.
Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos
Steve Parry experiences Trolling and is still recovering.
Meredith L Patterson and Deanna Zandt go head to head.
Hal Niedzviecki considers the case against the future.
Edouard Tétreau makes the case for a more humane economics.
John Perry Barlow’s visionary 1996 statement.
Privacy International’s Eric King on resisting surveillance.
Dunja Mijatović makes the case for light-touch regulation.
How the internet got colonized, by Jillian C York.
Micah L Sifry assesses the political limits of social media.
Activist and Icelandic Pirate Party MP Birgitta Jónsdóttir on what we can do and the tools we can all use to strengthen democracy and make it real.
DNA breakthrough gives hope to Guatemalans still searching for the graves of their loved ones.
The filmmaker and director tells Jo Lateu why he supports activists who expose wrongdoing through video.
Other people’s comments can be devastating – but a Twitter campaign is exposing the ‘able’ world’s prejudices and ignorance. Koren Helbig explains.