Why Bangladeshis are selling the only asset they have- their organs. By Sophie Cousins.
Girls in Somalia now have a better chance of completing their education. Katharina Wecker explains.
Richard Wamai and Ronald Goldman go head to head.
A revolutionary example of efficient and affordable healthcare, by John M Kirk and Chris Walker.
A matter of life and death: the contrasting rates of mortality, access to medicine and care across the globe.
Inequality squeezes both how healthy we are and the healthcare we get. Time to get past it, believes Dinyar Godrej.
Heroin in every lunchbox? Not quite. Medic Max Rendall answers your questions...
NI editor Vanessa Baird looks at the many reasons why this is the only option that makes sense.
On World AIDS Day, a stark reminder of how Big Pharma drug patents deny HIV treatment to the developing world.
Join the debate as US psychiatrist Sally Satel goes head-to-head with Jeremy Chapman, President of the Transplantation Society.
Women desperately want toilets – but not as a health aid. Libby Plumb reports.
Unbelievably, people still exist whose task in life is shovelling shit, as Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains.
Toilets have been around since the days of Elizabeth I. Systems old and new.
Everything you ever wanted to know about toilets.
David Satterthwaite speaks out in praise of sewers, and Mayling Simpson-Hébert retaliates on behalf of pits.
Toilet champions are not so rare a breed as you’d think. Here are some distinguished exemplars.
2008 is the International Year of Sanitation. Or, asks Maggie Black, is it the International Year of Silence and Embarrassment?