Mohammad Akhtar Alam’s scar is a constant reminder of his debt.Sophie Cousins

Desperate measures

Why Bangladeshis are selling the only asset they have- their organs. By Sophie Cousins.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013
Girl-friendly: new toilet facilities at the Ga’an Libah school in Somaliland.NGO Africa Educational Trust

A toilet makes a difference

Girls in Somalia now have a better chance of completing their education. Katharina Wecker explains.

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NI 465 - How the war on pirates became big business - September, 2013
Ronald Goldman, Ph.D is a psychological researcher, educator, and Executive Director of the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, a non-profit educational organization. Dr Goldman is internationally known for his work on circumcision and is the author of Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma and Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective.

Argument: Is male circumcision harmful?

Richard Wamai and Ronald Goldman go head to head.

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NI 460 - What has development done for me? - March, 2013
Moral medicine: the Cuban way

Moral medicine: the Cuban way

A revolutionary example of efficient and affordable healthcare, by John M Kirk and Chris Walker.

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NI 457 - Bad medicine - November, 2012
Healthcare and inequality - THE FACTS

Healthcare and inequality - THE FACTS

A matter of life and death: the contrasting rates of mortality, access to medicine and care across the globe.

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NI 457 - Bad medicine - November, 2012
Resting for a bit, after treatment by doctors at the Daawad hospital in Eyl, Somalia, before beginning the return journey home.Frederic Courbet/Panos Pictures

Bad medicine

Inequality squeezes both how healthy we are and the healthcare we get. Time to get past it, believes Dinyar Godrej.

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NI 457 - Bad medicine - November, 2012
What would legalization of drugs look like?

What would legalization of drugs look like?

Heroin in every lunchbox? Not quite. Medic Max Rendall answers your questions...

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NI 455 - Illegal drugs - September, 2012
Mexican soldiers burn 7.6 tonnes of cannabis seized in Ciudad Juarez. Illegal exports of marijuana into the US account for 25% of cartel income.Photo: Stringer/Reuters

Legalize drugs - all of them!

NI editor Vanessa Baird looks at the many reasons why this is the only option that makes sense.

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NI 455 - Illegal drugs - September, 2012
No more tears? Drug patents deny poor children access to life-saving HIV treatment.Eric Miller/Panos

Johnson & Johnson shuns poor people with HIV

On World AIDS Day, a stark reminder of how Big Pharma drug patents deny HIV treatment to the developing world.

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NI 448 - The arms trade - December, 2011
Is it ever right to buy or sell human organs?

Is it ever right to buy or sell human organs?

Join the debate as US psychiatrist Sally Satel goes head-to-head with Jeremy Chapman, President of the Transplantation Society.

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NI 436 - A wake-up call for democracy - October, 2010
Dignity and the decent facility

Dignity and the decent facility

Women desperately want toilets – but not as a health aid. Libby Plumb reports.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
A lifetime in muck

A lifetime in muck

Unbelievably, people still exist whose task in life is shovelling shit, as Mari Marcel Thekaekara explains.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
For our convenience

For our convenience

Toilets have been around since the days of Elizabeth I. Systems old and new.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Toilets - The Facts

Toilets - The Facts

Everything you ever wanted to know about toilets.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
To Sewer or Not to Sewer

To Sewer or Not to Sewer

David Satterthwaite speaks out in praise of sewers, and Mayling Simpson-Hébert retaliates on behalf of pits.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
Stand up, stand up for toilets...

Stand up, stand up for toilets...

Toilet champions are not so rare a breed as you’d think. Here are some distinguished exemplars.

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008
New facilities, new jobs. A toilet production centre in West Bengal. Photo: UNICEF WEST BENGAL

We need to talk about... toilets

2008 is the International Year of Sanitation. Or, asks Maggie Black, is it the International Year of Silence and Embarrassment?

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NI 414 - We need to think about toilets - August, 2008

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
How the war on pirates became big business September, 2013
Land grabs May, 2013
What has development done for me? March, 2013
Bad medicine November, 2012
Bad medicine November, 2012
Bad medicine November, 2012
Illegal drugs September, 2012
Illegal drugs September, 2012
The arms trade December, 2011
A wake-up call for democracy October, 2010
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008
We need to think about toilets August, 2008