20 years ago in New Internationalist

20 years ago in New Internationalist

Chris Brazier takes a look back at what we were writing about 20 years ago.

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NI 486 - The transgender revolution - October, 2015
Secret Agent Orange

Secret Agent Orange

Katie McQue on Agent Orange's toxic legacy.

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NI 486 - The transgender revolution - October, 2015
Life after rape in DRC

Life after rape in DRC

Fergus Simpson visits a hospital helping Congolese women and children recover from conflict-related trauma and violence.

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NI 486 - The transgender revolution - October, 2015
Toxic lobby

Toxic lobby

The corporate lobby may be working to protect harmful chemicals rather than our health, writes Hazel Healy.

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NI 485 - Syria’s good guys - Inside a forgotten revolution - September, 2015
Photo: Tom Bradley

Life goes on with leprosy

Photographer Tom Bradley has been documenting the lives of those living with leprosy.

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NI 479 - Democracy in the digital era - January, 2015
Russia's unseen casualties

Russia's unseen casualties

Those living with HIV in the Ukraine face an uncertain future following cuts to support services, reports Gabriella Jozwiak.

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NI 478 - NGOs - Do they help? - December, 2014
Photo by Lucy Perry

Making Waves: Catherine Hamlin

Sofi Lundin meets Catherine Hamlin, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and doctor extraordinaire.

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NI 478 - NGOs - Do they help? - December, 2014
Poverty breeds disease

Poverty breeds disease

There are 17 official neglected tropical diseases, so why aren't we doing more to help? asks Cristiana Moisescu.

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NI 477 - Big oil RIP? - November, 2014
Colin Crisford / Alamy

Dear Potential Organ Buyer...

If you think the trade on human organs just needs proper regulation, read Nancy Scheper-Hughes’ exploration of the options.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014
A signpost for the clinic that was the hub for criminal activity.Photo: Visar Kryeziu/AP/Press Association Images

The Medicus affair

A report from Kosovo on the skullduggery of an international gang of medical criminals and the tortuous road to bring them to justice. By Selvije Bajrami.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014
Hanneke Hagenaars

‘I am going to get him the liver he needs’

Hanneke Hagenaars, a transplant co-ordinator for deceased organ donors in the Netherlands, speaks about her liaison work with soon-to-be-bereaved families.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014

'My heart weeps inside me'

Stories and opinions from those with personal experience of the organ trade.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014
Men from Baseco, a slum in the port area of Manila, the Philippines, show their scars from kidney sales in a photograph from 1999. Photo: Pat Roque/AP/Press Association Images

Perpetual scars

A forensic examination of the persistent problem of trafficking vulnerable people for their organs, and what it would take to stamp it out, by Nancy Scheper-Hughes.

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NI 472 - Organ trafficking - May, 2014
Is it time for a new wheelchair access icon? A group calling itself the Accessible Icon Project proposes a more dynamic version of the International Symbol of Access, in circulation since 1969. The BBC reports that the new icon started as a piece of ‘guerrilla art’ on the campus of Gordon College near Boston, US. Artist Sara Hendron, one of those behind the project, says the new symbol is ‘a metaphor for self-direction and self determination’. accessibleicon.orgSteve A Johnson under a CC Licence

Rolling towards progress

Jody Mcintyre takes the notion of disability to task with a personal exploration of difference and defiance.

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NI 467 - Time to rethink disability - November, 2013

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
The transgender revolution October, 2015
The transgender revolution October, 2015
The transgender revolution October, 2015
Syria’s good guys - Inside a forgotten revolution September, 2015
Fundamentalism - Power, politics and persuasion June, 2015
Total control - is Monsanto unstoppable? April, 2015
Democracy in the digital era January, 2015
NGOs - Do they help? December, 2014
NGOs - Do they help? December, 2014
Big oil RIP? November, 2014
Feminism fights back July, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
Organ trafficking May, 2014
The war on whistleblowers April, 2014
Time to rethink disability November, 2013
Time to rethink disability November, 2013