Illustration: Stine Deja

Unhappy 70th birthday NHS?

The British National Health Service is seen across the world as a beacon of medical provision. But, hollowed out by privatization by stealth, it needs a radical prescription to restore it, explains Youssef El-Gingihy.

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NI 512 - Public ownership rises again - May, 2018
Docs not cops

Docs not cops

Doctors and patients are fighting back against new rules to restrict migrants’ access to the NHS, writes Simon Childs.

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NI 508 - Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent - December, 2017
There is a silent killer claiming millions of lives in Majority World kitchens: cooking smoke.

Smoke and Mirrors

Revealing Malawi's untold health and environmental crisis. Ingrid Gercama and Nathalie Bertrams for New Internationalist.

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NI 507 - Humans vs robots - November, 2017
Indigenous women in Peru still fear repercussions as they seek justice for the forced sterilizations they suffered two decades ago.Photo: Roxana Olivera

Against their will

Roxana Olivera meets indigenous women in Peru who are still waiting for justice, two decades after being forcibly sterilized.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
Serah Tomba with Satta and Paul,  two of the orphans she is raising since Ebola. A neighbour’s child looks on. Photo: Hazel Healy

'Everything is on my shoulders'

Serah Tomba went from being a student to sole carer of seven orphans.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
’Obstetric fistula stops with me.’ Elizabeth Katta stands with Satta, a girl from her self-help group. Four of its members fell pregnant during Ebola.Photo: Paul Myles

'I speak for the girls'

Elizabeth Katta talks about the lingering impacts of teenage pregnancy, which spiked during Ebola.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
Colonel Qadafi and the Tripoli Boys at the barracks in Moa Wharf.Photo: Paul Myles

'These are the boys who fought Ebola!'

Gangsters turned mobilizers, the Tripoli Boys kicked Ebola out of their neighbourhood. Amjata Bayoh and Mohamed S Camara find out what happened next.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
Photo by Kwan Kew Lai

Love without touch

Bankolay Turay’s story of student romance on ice.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
Tamba and Mamie Lebbi on the porch of their home in Sokoma village.Photo: Laurence Ivil

For better or worse

Mamie Lebbi, the first woman to test positive for Ebola, describes how she survived in the bush with her husband’s help.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
‘People were just buried with sticks for markers’: Mariama Jalloh despairs of finding her father’s grave on arrival at the overgrown burial site for Ebola victims in the southern city of Bo.Photo: Hazel Healy

Where my father lies

Mariama B Jalloh’s quest to find her father’s grave.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

Ebola - the facts

Statistics and more on the spread of the virus through West Africa.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016
On high alert, post-Ebola: Nafisatu Jabbi (centre right) at the Koindu community clinic, accompanied by a newly replenished staff team, including Community Health Officer Alfonsus Vandi (centre left).Photo: Hazel Healy

Did we learn the right lessons from Ebola?

And will Sierra Leone be ready, should the virus return? Hazel Healy travelled there to find out.

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NI 493 - Love in the time of Ebola - June, 2016

Male baldness v malaria?

Simon Trace on the skewed priorities of medical research.

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NI 492 - Technology justice - May, 2016
A group of women enter the bamboo forest garden at Hokokuji Temple in Kamakura, Japan. Photo: Roni Bintang/Reuters

Forest bathing

Escaping the pressures of modern life in Japan. By Tina Burrett and Christopher Simons.

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NI 491 - Last stand - Saving the world's forests - April, 2016
Illustration: Sarah John.

Letter from Bangui: The guardian

A sudden change in an employee's health reveals hidden hardship to Ruby Diamonde.

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NI 489 - Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better - January, 2016
Granny training in Lesotho

Granny training in Lesotho

Rebecca Cooke explains how grandmothers are stepping up.

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NI 487 - Paris climate summit - November, 2015
Vlas Guadamuz swapped cane-cutting for coffin-making when he was diagnosed with kidney disease. He is now kept busy by near daily deaths in his community in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua.Photo: Ed Kashi/VII

What is killing sugarcane cutters?

Workers in in Central America face an epidemic of a chronic kidney disease, new research reveals.

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NI 487 - Paris climate summit - November, 2015
Lay off the pills

Lay off the pills

Emma Rose explains why animals should not be given so many antibiotics.

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NI 487 - Paris climate summit - November, 2015

Articles in this category displayed as a table:

Article title From magazine Publication date
Public ownership rises again May, 2018
Clampdown! Criminalizing dissent December, 2017
Humans vs robots November, 2017
The coming war on China December, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Love in the time of Ebola June, 2016
Technology justice May, 2016
Last stand - Saving the world's forests April, 2016
Last stand - Saving the world's forests April, 2016
Humanity adrift: why refugees deserve better January, 2016
Paris climate summit November, 2015
Paris climate summit November, 2015
Paris climate summit November, 2015