My own first encounter with New Internationalist was with an issue on Water in September 1981. It was a revelation to me: having always taken clean water for granted as something that flowed at the twist of a tap, here I was suddenly transported into seeing it as a precious resource that had to be borne in pots from the well or that might carry horrible diseases. From the first, the magazine seemed to me to offer something unique, a window on the real world where the majority, far from chasing the latest consumerist dream, still had to struggle for the basic necessities of life.
More than three decades later, 29 years of which I have spent here as a co-editor, there is still no other popular magazine that sees the world in quite the same way – that offers a platform for the myriad voices of people from Asia, Africa and Latin America, that celebrates their cultures and that argues consistently for global justice. Like all other magazines and newspapers, we are wrestling with a new digital age where the habit of subscribing to a paper magazine is less common and where information is routinely sought from the web. So we’re delighted to launch our new online subscriptions app which works brilliantly on any device with a web browser. It incorporates a feature for which we’ve had many requests – easy sharing of favourite articles.
For this special 40th anniversary issue, we invited the magazine’s founding editor, Peter Adamson, to write the keynote article, which looks back at his original hopes for the publication – and surveys the progress (or in some respects the lack of it) made by humanity over the four decades since. We have revisited just a few of the key individuals who have featured in our pages over those years. And we showcase a landmark essay by the great German thinker Wolfgang Sachs on why ‘development’ has become an empty shell that should be cast off even by those of us who care most deeply about global justice.
Sad to say, notwithstanding all its technological progress, the world has actually become more rather than less unequal since the first issue of this magazine was unveiled in March 1973. Perhaps the time has finally come for globalization to be replaced by a ‘new internationalism’ that puts the needs of the poor and the planet above the idle interests of the rich.
Chris Brazier for the New Internationalist co-operative.
Making the best of life in a poor district of Mumbai, India – the struggle to meet basic human needs is ‘the great unfinished business of the 20th century’.
Cubo Images/Robert Harding
The founding editor of the New Internationalist, Peter Adamson, looks at how the world has changed since the magazine started – and argues for a new push against inequality.
Some Mongolians believe their warrior-hero will return from the dead in 2027 to restore their country. Others aren’t willing to wait that long – and are taking on modern-day menaces themselves. Tina Burrett and Christopher Simons discover a nomadic people fighting for their past, and future.
In 2000, the UN summit agreed the Millennium Declaration – aspirations for the new century. Are we on target to meet them by 2015?
The leader of the Housewives’ Committee in Bolivia 1979.
The Indian activist who's been writing for New Internationalist for almost 25 years.
In 1992 New Internationalist published Wolfgang Sachs’ seminal series of essays Development: A Guide to the Ruins. Two decades on, he looks at how globalization gave the concept of ‘development’ an unexpected new lease of life – and argues that the 21st century needs to outgrow the idea for the sake of both the poor and the planet.
The nonviolent resistance activist on what she has been doing since she was featured in our 1997 issue.
The Iranian women's rights activist on what she has been doing since she was featured in our March 2007 issue.
The Guatemalan indigenous rights activist on what she has been doing since she was featured in our 1993 issue.
Richard Wamai and Ronald Goldman go head to head.
Once on the FBI's 'most wanted' list, the radical political activist, author and scholar has been making waves in the civil rights movement since 1961. She talks to Frank Barat about her past, her present, and her hopes for the future.
The country’s last 150 years reflect a dynamic process, part of the greater human quest for fair self-governance.
A fight forces Wame Molefhe to see the distance
between dream and reality.
A book by Teresa Solana translated by Peter Bush (Bitter Lemon Press, ISBN 978 1 908524 065)
A book by Morten Bøås and Kevin Dunn (Zed, ISBN 1848139969)
Music by The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow (Fuse Records CF 099 2CD).